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發表於 2019-2-13 13:49:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is in possession of a police report on the April 10 beating death of Cuyuni miner John Darwin Mc Pherson, a senior police official said on Monday.But this disclosure has failed to appease the dead man’s mother, Barbara James, who is upset that after almost a month has passed, and despite taking two statements from an alleged eyewitness, investigators are still to charge theJohn Darwin Mc Phersonindividuals identified as the men who killed her son. James is also concerned that police will be unable to locate the suspects, who work in the interior, and questions why they were not kept in custody when they were first detained and identified.According to Barbara James, she has been informed that the suspects, who are on station bail, have not been presenting themselves to the police as they were reportedly ordered to.Ms. James told Kaieteur News that she had accompanied the alleged eyewitness to the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters, Eve Leary, about a week ago,Basket Nike Air Max 90 Pas Cher, where the man submitted a more detailed statement to ‘F’ Division ranks about the circumstances surrounding Mc Pherson’s demise.The eyewitness had told Kaieteur News that he had given a previous statement at the Bartica Police Station.Mc Pherson,Liverpool FC Store UK, 25, of Plum Park, Sophia, died on April 10, after he was allegedly abducted, bound,nba jerseys discount, beaten and repeatedly drenched at Oku Backdam, Cuyuni, by a group of men who had accused him of masterminding a robbery at their camp. The beating was allegedly carried out on the orders of a dredge owner.A death certificate viewed by Kaieteur News gave Mc Pherson’s cause of death as asphyxiation and also stated that he had compression injuries to the neck.Kaieteur News was told that the dredge owner who ordered Mc Pherson’s abduction had caught a miner from Mc Pherson’s camp on his claim. The crewmen allegedly relieved the intruder of a firearm, and after being beaten and interrogated, the miner reportedly identified Mc Pherson and two others as his accomplices.At the time, Mc Pherson was working at another dredge owner’s camp located some 15 minutes away.Daniel Henry, the alleged eyewitness, said that about 14 men, including the dredge owner and the General Manager,Cheap Hydro Flask Sale, subsequently arrived in a truck at their camp.Kaieteur News was told that the intruders bound Mc Person and Henry and took them back to their camp, where they were holding the miner who had entered their camp. Henry said that after learning that Mc Pherson had worked with his employer for the longest period, the dredge owner concluded that Mc Pherson had planned the robbery.According to Henry, they were then beaten with various objects, including lengths of rope and hose, pieces of wood and cutlasses.The miner alleged that their captors then strapped them to two All-Terrain Vehicles while indicating that they would hand them over to the police. By then,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Mc Pherson was reportedly close to death, but even then, one of the men continued to strike the bound and barely conscious man, while telling him to “ketch yuhself.”According to Henry, Mc Pherson “couldn’t make it anymore,” and the men eventually stopped at Oku, Cuyuni, where they began to dip water from rapids in the location and repeatedly drench the dying man. Henry said that it was during this ordeal that he saw his colleague take his last breath.The dredge owner, his General Manager and the cook then held a brief discussion about what they should do with the surviving men.Henry said that the men eventually headed to an area known as Brian Road. Police ranks then arrived at the area and took all the men, including Henry, into custody at the Bartica Station.The miner said that he identified two of the men who had beaten him and his colleagues, and police also detained two other men from the camp.  He identified the culprits as the camp cook and another individual with a slightly deformed right arm.Nevertheless,NFL Jerseys From China, the suspects were all released on $100,000 bail each. Henry said that he was also released without charges, and Kaieteur News understands that the miner who was allegedly found on the dredge owner’s camp with a firearm was also released.Mc Pherson’s mother,Atletico De Madrid Tienda, Barbara James, told Kaieteur News that an attorney accompanied her to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, where she gave a statement.Mc Pherson’s boss described him as a hard and honest worker, while expressing doubt that he would have been involved in anything of a criminal nature.

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