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Bvb Neues Trikot 18/19 wfdmdlnb









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發表於 2019-2-15 16:53:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Through a ten-year lease agreement, the United States Embassy has commissioned a new state-of-the-art warehouse at Track ‘A’ Block 2,Liverpool FC Jersey 18/19, Felicity, Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara (behind the GrandThe ceremonial ribbon-cutting being performed at the new Warehouse by Mr. Toolsie Persaud and US Ambassador Perry Holloway.Coastal Hotel)A symbolic ribbon cutting was done by US Ambassador Perry Holloway and Toolsie Persaud.Ambassador Holloway noted that the new 10,400 square feet of usable space facility has its origins in December 2013, when an agreement was signed by the U.S. Government and Toolsie Persaud, one of the country’s premier builders, to design and develop one of the best warehouse facilities in Guyana.“Today’s ceremony and the official opening of this warehouse represents the culmination of over two years of perseverance, planning, and good old-fashioned hard work on the part Mr. Persaud, Embassy personnel, Government officials, and everyone else involved in completing this tremendous project.”This state-of-the-art building is built four feet above ground level and has a nearly 70 foot pile deep foundation.The warehouse has two main loading docks up front and three small loading docks on the side for facilities shops. It can store six 40-foot containers inside the compound along with ten parking spots. All electrical cables were imported meeting U.S. standards. The warehouse has three-Phase Power installed by GPL.“It will be home away from home for all of our 20+ facilities staff members, in addition to six warehouse men.”Ambassador Holloway noted, that the facility is fully equipped with a secure area, in the event of an emergency “like we experienced in 2005 with widespread flooding. There are two large bathrooms, showers, and lockers for storage.”Additionally the extraordinary warehouse will serve the entire U.S. Mission with all of its agencies. It has separate compartmentalized storage rooms for each agency’s use. Prior the embassy resorted to using the Middle and Main Streets location for storage.

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