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Patriots Jersey Liii Jersey "As a coach it takes longer to do it that way









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發表於 2019-2-20 07:11:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"As a coach it takes longer to do it that way, but it's something I thought was important especially with the differences that we have," Davidson said. "Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'll let somebody else judge that, but I just know that it's the way that I believe and I think it's been important for those guys."
Despite a bout with pneumonia last year that cost him 20 pounds as well as an offseason training regimen that he used to slim down to 280, Kalil arrived at training camp around 310 pounds. To stay there, he has to take in roughly 6,000 calories per day,Bvb Trikot Ausw?rts, slurping chalky protein shakes and wolfing down peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches between meals. He has spoken ruefully of this routine, describing his dislike for the constant consumption that sometimes makes him feel on the verge of vomiting.
That's because the 6-foot-7 Kalil has the metabolism of, well, a wide receiver. He wanted to play tight end in high school, a role he has the natural athleticism for, but his father,Zaino Kanken Outlet, Frank, insisted to him and his coaches then that his son was going to be a left tackle.
"We don't eat dinner together," Loadholt said, flashing a wry smile.
To be effective, even in this age of sleek, speedy defensive ends in linebacker bodies, Kalil must be a 300-pounder.
Diet is the root of their difference. The 6-foot-8 Loadholt, who carries as imposing of a physique as any player in the sport, tries to keep his weight at 335 pounds during the season. His story is more typical of the hulking modern NFL offensive lineman.

"Neither one of us have got it all figured out by any means, but we're definitely working to improve each other together," Loadholt said.
"He fasts a couple of days before weigh-ins,Clearance NCAA Jerseys," Kalil said. "I try to eat as much as I can."
"I'm the strongest I've ever been and the fastest I've ever been, so I feel really good,cheap nfl jerseys outlet," Kalil said.
On the other hand, this born-lean frame of his is big a reason why the Vikings took him with the fourth overall pick last year. His mobility is a skill that few others at his position around the league possess.
EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) — With Matt Kalil under contract through 2015 and Phil Loadholt locked up a year longer than that, the Minnesota Vikings boast a sturdy and talented pair of offensive tackles they can include in the core of their roster for many more seasons.
Loadholt is the relentless blocker on the right side the Vikings most often try to run Adrian Peterson behind, a studious player who has mostly overcome a penchant for false start penalties earlier in his career. Being three years older than Kalil, he'll offer a technique tip here or there. But because of their different sizes and blocking styles,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, there's not a lot about the way they play that can be compared.
The similarities of the recent high draft picks stop there, though. Kalil, the first-rounder in 2012, and Loadholt, a second-round selection in 2009, are about as opposite as players can be at the same position.
Except that hard work thing.
Offensive line coach Jeff Davidson has the benefit of returning his entire group from a season in which all five of them started 16 games. That includes center John Sullivan, who's also under contract through 2016. Davidson's philosophy is to let each guy use the footwork and hand placement techniques they're most comfortable with and adept at,Nike Air Max Norge, rather than pigeonholing them all into the same style. Considering the contrast that Kalil and Loadholt bring to the field, that approach is no better suited for a team than the Vikings.

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