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One year after…Why did someone order the execution of a pretty 26-year-old former Bishop’s high School Student one year ago?Did she incur the wrath of someone while conducting her duties as a Chief Environmental Officer, or was there an even more sinister motive to her killing?These answers continue to elude detectives still investigating the death of Alicia Foster, who was gunned down in front of her Lot 78 David Street, Kitty home on October 12, 2008.Police who spoke to Kaieteur News this week said that they are no closer to identifying the two men who executed her, or ascertaining why she was slain, or who ordered her execution.At around 22:30 hrs on Sunday 12, 2008, Foster, an employee of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),Cheap Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, and a 17-year-old sister, returned home after visiting a relative in Princess Street,Cheap Green Bay Packers Jerseys, Lodge.While Alicia parked on the driveway, her younger sister disembarked to open the gate.But before Alicia could drive in, two men came up to the vehicle and ordered Alicia to exit the car.Reports state that when she refused to comply, one of the men shot her in the face. The gunmen then dumped their victim near the driveway and escaped in her car.James Foster, the victim’s father,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was inside his house when he heard a gunshot.He then heard the “persistent ringing” of his buzzer, and this further alerted that something was amiss.Foster rushed outside in time to see someone driving east along David Street in his daughter’s car, while Alicia lay motionless on the ground.Dead: Alicia FosterRanks in a passing police vehicle assisted him in taking his daughter the GPHC, where she succumbed some ten minutes later.Foster’s car,Cheap Jerseys, PHH 2263, was recovered the following day near the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Well Road, North Ruimveldt. This seems to suggest that the killers came from a nearby community.A source claiming to be an eyewitness had told Kaieteur News that the car came from an easterly direction at around 22:30 hrs on the night Alicia Foster was slain.He alleged that the car stopped opposite the church and two men emerged from the vehicle.According to the source,Cheap France Soccer Jerseys, the driver was brown in complexion, about five feet- five inches tall, and was wearing a white jersey and three-quarter trousers.His companion, the source said, was shorter,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, darker in complexion and was also wearing three-quarter trousers.The man told Kaieteur News that the taller man then walked in a westerly direction and then turned north into Well Road.At the time of her death,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Foster was the EPA’s representative on the Board of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and the National Water Council.She had also co-ordinated activities on the monitoring and closure of Omai Gold Mines Limited, and had also done a considerable amount of work in the forestry and mining sectors.She was also planning her wedding.Looking for possible motives, police investigated reports that that Foster was threatened about two months prior to her death while investigating an alleged environmental violation by a business entity.Several of her colleagues were questioned.During the course of their investigations, police also detained three men who were said to fit the description of the gunmen. But they were released shortly after persons failed to point them out during an identification parade.A police source has repeatedly claimed that a key eyewitness has refused to come forward. The source says that, to date, the individual has never been questioned.Foster believes that someone ordered his daughter’s execution but states that his daughter had no enemies that he was aware of.

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