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[泰拳] Bryan Bickell Jersey jwo3ujut









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發表於 2017-1-23 05:04:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police Commissioner Henry Greene is back on the job after overcoming medical complications. But it is anyone’s guess how long Greene will remain in the position.There is a lot of speculation as to who his successor will be, especially since no Deputy Commissioner of police has been appointed within recent times.Seelall PersaudLeroy BrummellThe last to aspire to such position was Retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Slowe who through what many saw as a political posture was overlooked for a number of years, even though Greene had reached the age of retirement during the period Slowe was in the force.Commissioner Greene was a Deputy Commissioner, along with Edward Wills,Niklas Backstrom Jersey, Leon Trim and Sydney Bunbury, all of whom have retired from the Guyana Police Force while Slowe was still Assistant Commissioner.At present, there are four contenders for the position of Deputy Commissioner, each within one appointment of reaching the pinnacle of the force’s administration.In order of seniority the four are Leroy Brummell; Seelall Persaud,Andrew Shaw Jersey, Balram Persaud and Steve Merai.And since the force’s makeup calls four Deputy Commissioners in the areas of Administration,Artem Anisimov Jersey, Crime, Operations,Jacob Trouba Team North America Jersey, and Special Branch, the four can be easily fitted into this structure.Already Brummell has been acting in the capacity of Deputy Commissioner Administration, while Seelall Persaud has been acting as Deputy Commissioner Law Enforcement (Crime Chief), and they both could be retained in the respective positions.That would leave the positions of Deputy Commissioner Operations and Deputy Commissioner Special Branch open.Balram Persaud is tipped to head the Force’s Operations leaving the position of Deputy Commissioner Special Branch up for grabs.With Government moving towards the setting up of the National Intelligence Agency, which will eventually replace the Special Branch, it would not be surprising if Merai finds himself as the new Spy Chief.Kaieteur News took a look at the four possible contenders and came up with some interesting facts.Brummell who has been acting unofficially as Commissioner whenever Greene is hospitalised is seen as the frontrunner to ascend to the office of Top Cop provided the right political climate exists.Balram PersaudSteve Merai He is a seasoned campaigner having held a number of senior administrative positions in the Guyana Police Force.After serving for some time in the Police Finance Department,Brian Elliott Jersey, he spent some time at the Narcotics Division of the Criminal Investigations Department.He gained considerable experience as Divisional Commander in the high-profile Police A and C Divisions.However, he faced sanctions during his position as Commander of C Division during the Lusignan Massacre in which 11 persons were slaughtered.Seelall Persaud had spent a significant portion of his career in the police narcotics division where he seized the opportunity to gain university degrees since he was afforded the time to do so.He gained some valuable experience as A Division Crime Chief while he worked under the command of Paul Slowe.He then was elevated to overall Crime Chief a position in which he is serving.Seelall Persaud was never a Divisional Commander- a position which many observers believe better qualifies a person to become Commissioner.Balram Persaud bears the scar of once being accused of treason during the tenure of the PNC administration for which he was incarcerated and subsequently exonerated.His career, however, carries a similar line to that of Brummell in terms of experience in the field of administration,Martin Brodeur Jersey, having served in senior capacities in all the police divisions.Henry Greene Administratively he is cut out to head the Police Force’s Operations Division.Persaud has commanded the high profile C Division and now heads the West Demerara Division,Christian Folin Jersey, which is now one of the least crime-prone divisions in the country.The name Steve Merai is never mentioned without controversy attached to it.Merai has been linked to a wide range of controversy none moreso than extra judicial killings while he commanded the infamous Target Special Squad.Nevertheless, he is seen as the only one of the four contenders with extensive operational and tactical expertise,Jarret Stoll Jersey, with more than a decade in-the-field operational background.During this period Merai survived an attempt on his life when he was wounded in a shootout with criminals in June 2002.His profile could certainly suit the position of Spy Chief.The Guyana Police Force recently announced the appointment of four more assistant commissioners of police,Antoine Roussel Jersey, bringing the total number of such officers to 10.Whichever way it goes, it will not be long before the choice to succeed Henry Greene is made—maybe after this year’s General and Regional Elections.

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