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…as Ramjattan says Hansard still not availableAttorney at Law Khemraj Ramjattan,Stitched Carolina Panthers Jerseys, who is also the Chairman of the Alliance For Change,Authentic MLB Jerseys, says that there seems to be a deliberate attempt to stymie his attempt to prosecute Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali.Ramjattan said that he is currently awaiting the Parliamentary Hansard to properly document his statement that will be presented to the Director of Public Prosecution but a task that takes the parliamentary staff three to five days to complete is still to be done.According to Ramjattan,Steelers Jerseys On Sale, every time he inquires about the Hansard of the January 11 sitting of the National Assembly he is told that it is yet to be completed.The Hansard is the verbatim transcripts of the utterances in the House during a sitting and is usually released between three and seven days after the session.Ramjattan had initially said that he would be piloting the charges but subsequently related to this newspaper that he was persuaded not to pursue the matter as an attorney but rather as the chief witness.He is seeking to have the Prime Minister and Housing and Water Minister prosecuted for an alleged breach of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.The saga started in the National Assembly, when according to Ramjattan,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Throwback Jerseys, the Prime Minister and Ali failed miserably to explain the breaches.Ramjattan said that he will also be going after the Public Service Minister, given that she had spent monies in October and was supposed to have reported back to the House on the very next sitting but did not do so until that last contentious sitting.Ramjattan said that her excuses in the House were flimsy to say the least. The Public Service Minister had adequate time to report the spending, coupled with the fact that she knew about the need for the expenditure for a long time before it was necessary and as such did not need to have a supplementary provision.Only recently,Adidas Stan Smith Clearance, the AFC leader, Raphael Trotman,Aron Baynes Jersey, called for the DPP Office to be more vigilant and proactive in pursuit of prosecuting public officials that misuse taxpayers’ money.According to Trotman,nba jerseys discount, the DPP is independent of the state and must be able to investigate breaches of the law wherever they occur and prosecute.

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