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“On behalf of the government and people of Guyana and on my own personal behalf, I extend deepest sympathies to the Government and people of Barbados on the passing of the Honourable David Thompson, Prime Minister of Barbados.”This was the message dispatched to Freundel Stuart,Cheap New York Rangers Jerseys, the Acting Prime Minister of Barbados from President Bharrat Jagdeo.According to President Jagdeo,Nike Cowboys #88 Michael Irvin White 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, Thompson earned the respect of the people of Guyana and,Nike Panthers #70 Trai Turner Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, “I am sure that of the entire Region through the tremendous courage and dignity which he displayed to the end.  In this we saw his true quality as a leader – one who placed his country and people above himself.”Jagdeo said that as he reflects upon his close, though short, association with Thompson as they worked to further the cause of the integration of the peoples and Region, “I know that he was driven by an intense passion to serve his nation, to ensure that the people of Barbados could enjoy a high quality of life and to position his country on a path of even greater economic stability and social development.”He conveyed to Thompson’s wife and children Guyana’s heartfelt condolences on their tragic loss.“As they and the nation of Barbados mourn his passing ….I trust that they will be comforted in the knowledge that our thoughts and prayers are with them at this difficult time.”And the Leader, Chairman, members of the Central Executive and the wider People’s National Congress Reform also expressed their condolences, to the late Prime Minister’s wife, Mara,Nike Browns #55 Alex Mack Black 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, his three children (Misha, Oya  and Osa), his mother, Margaret Knight, the other members of his family, relatives, friends, members of his Cabinet,Nike Bengals #77 Andrew Whitworth White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), and all of the people of Barbados.David John Howard Thompson died at the age of 48.According to the PNCR,Cheap New York Mets Jerseys, Thompson, who has Guyanese roots,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for which he had been undergoing treatment for the past several months.His wife and three children were at his bedside when he passed away at his home in St. Phillip.Thompson was responsible for the Single Market and Economy in the quasi-cabinet of CARICOM.Deputy Prime Minister Freundel Stuart was sworn in as Thompson’s successor hours after his death, according to the state-run Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).Elected as Prime Minister in 2006 on a platform of community development, Thompson was credited for restoring the Democratic Labor Party to a parliamentary majority, according to the Barbadian government website.Thompson had served in government since 1991,Cheap Jacksonville Jaguars Jerseys, and his main priorities were decentralising government, strengthening social services and empowering the Barbadian economy,Nike Bengals #18 A.J. Green Gray Mens Stitched NFL Limited Gridiron Gray Jersey, the government said.Thompson was born on Christmas Day 1961, one of seven siblings.

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