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Rene Bourque Jersey ombqnybn









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發表於 2017-1-23 12:57:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Even as Kevin France, who was nabbed with a 9 mm pistol and 13 live rounds on Saturday October 22,Blank Mexico Jersey, at Palmyra,Christoffer Nyman Sweden Jersey, East Coast Berbice has been granted bail in the high court; investigations are still ongoing into the report of an $800,Jacob Rinne Sweden Jersey,000 bribe being paid by his wife to someone posing as the Commander to settle the matter.The story stemmed from the arrest and subsequent remand of France,51,Mauricio Isla Chile Jersey, of lot 55 Palmyra Village for the gun and ammunition possession around 01:00 hrs on October 22 at Palmyra, East Coast Berbice. At the time he was not the holder of the relevant licence.Divisional Commander of Police B Division, Senior Superintendent Kevin Adonis, stated that the matter is still being investigated. He said that although the police are in possession of a recording and the suspected imposter was held in custody, he has since been released on station bail.The matter is still being investigated and a file is being prepared to be taken to the DPP for advice. Charges may be brought against the imposter and the woman who offered the bribe.France was held after ranks on a mobile patrol stopped motor car PVV 2423 which was being driven by France in the vicinity of Vryheid Road, West Canje,Rodolfo Pizarro Mexico Jersey, Berbice.France sped away sparking a high speed chase along the New Amsterdam public road which ended at his Palmyra home. He was subsequently searched and the gun and ammunition were discovered in the car. He was arrested and charged and pleaded not guilty before being remanded to jail.Subsequently a recording allegedly between the man’s wife Destiny Harris and someone purporting to be the Commander, surfaced concerning a $1M bribe being offered for the release of France. The voice was later traced to that of known convict, Jason Thomas.A sum of $800,Alexander Fransson Sweden Jersey,000 of the agreed $1M amount was paid over by the woman to someone,Orbelin Pineda Mexico Jersey, who said that they were sent to collect the money to have the man released and ‘done the story’.Thomas, of No 2 Village,Martin Campana Uruguay Jersey, East Canje,Hector Herrera Mexico Jersey, is also well known to the woman. The phones are in the possession of the police and tests are being done of the recording.According to the Commander the matter is expected to be wrapped up soon.

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