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發表於 2017-1-23 16:38:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Fed up with the constant and brazen acts of thieves, businessman Khemraj Brijlal is offering a reward for information that could lead to the recovery of some pricey equipment that was stolen from his establishment at theThe interior of the Eccles business that was invaded by thieves early yesterday morning.Eccles Industrial Site, East Bank Demerara,Dez Bryant Cowboys Jersey, early yesterday morning.The businessman estimated his loss at $6M and lamented the setback that his engineering and fabricating company,Richard Dent Jersey, Technical Services Inc.,Roger Staubach Cowboys Jersey, will have to endure.The break-in came as a big shock to Brijlal since his business place is manned by a security guard and the area is well lit,Tony Dorsett Jersey, and many of the nearby businesses are equipped with surveillance cameras.Brijlal recalled that he secured his business at around 16:45 hours on Wednesday,Maliek Collins Cowboys Jersey, leaving the watchman in charge. He said that when an employee turned up for work yesterday he noticed that the facility was broken into from the back. Further checks revealed that the thieves carted off several pieces of equipment.“The offices were tumbled up,William Perry Bears Jersey, all the doors break open inside,Bill Bates Jersey, and all the important machinery that could be taken away by hand were stolen. I can’t replace some of them right now,” Brijlal said.He is convinced that the thieves spent a considerable time raiding the premises. He is also displeased that his security guard was unaware of what took place until the first employee turned up for work.Kaieteur News understands that the security guard was detained and questioned by investigators working on the case.According to Brijlal, thieves have been targeting the Eccles Industrial Site with impunity over the past few months.“They have so much breakage in here,Sean Lee Cowboys Jersey, but they go unreported,Walter Payton Jersey,” Brijlal said.He pointed to a manufacturing company nearby which was targeted so much by thieves that the owner was forced to make a drastic decision.“Thief make the man close down and go back over to the West Coast,” Brijlal stated.

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