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發表於 2017-1-23 16:39:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police may be close to solving the murder of Good Hope,Maliek Collins Cowboys Jersey, East Coast Demerara farmer,Michael Irvin Jersey, Shiraz “Amir” Ali,Robert Newhouse Jersey, after arresting five men and recovering his cell phone.Shiraz “Amir” AliCrime Chief Wendell Blanhum said that police also recovered the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card that came from Ali’s phone.The suspects are reportedly from East Coast Demerara. Police are also trying to locate a sixth man, known as ‘Cartel’, who is said to have been in possession of the phone.‘Cartel’ had reportedly told his associates that he found the phone near the Montrose Market.Detectives will be trying to ascertain whether DNA samples taken from the suspects match samples that were taken from cigarettes and other items found at the scene.Shiraz Ali’s body, with at least 14 stab wounds,Troy Aikman Jersey, was found in the bedroom of his Lot Two Good Hope Railway Embankment,Jim McMahon Jersey, East Coast Demerara home last week Monday.Police said the 22-year-old was stabbed four times to the back, once to the neck and left side temple.According to reports, the stab wounds were most likely delivered while Ali lay face down on his bed.Kaieteur News understands that a hammer and a knife in addition to cigarette butts were removed from the scene,Roger Staubach Cowboys Jersey, for possible DNA testing.Police sources said there were no signs of forced entry to the premises. While Ali’s phone was stolen, and the house was reportedly ransacked,Tony Romo Jersey, police appear to believe that robbery was not the killer’s primary motive.The dead man’s mother, Bibi Hamid,Richard Dent Bears Jersey, had said that she went to her son’s home last week Monday after failing to reach him on his phone,“I called his phone (Monday morning) and it (was) ringing out. I called the neighbours and them say them come over and call and they not hearing nothing.“My mind say,Leonard Floyd Bears Jersey, ‘Let me come at the house and see what happen’. Hamid related that when she pushed the bedroom door it was to discover her son’s bloodstained body.

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