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發表於 2017-1-25 08:10:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Savita Sukul is the Principal Solicitor at,nfl jerseys cheap authentic, and proprietress of SJS Solicitors. Her role is sole supervisory Solicitor in the firm. Savita has personal and active conduct of the greater majority of the firm’s cases.She was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of the Senior Courts of England and Wales in December 2003.In 1994 whilst in the final stages of training as a Legal Executive,cheap nfl jerseys store, Savita scored the highest mark nationally in the Law of Probate Practice and was awarded the ILEX Examination Prize Winners Certificate.She was recently recognized for her achievements.Interviewer: What prompted you to seek a career in the legal sector and then progress onto becoming The Principal of SJS Solicitors?Savita: I developed a natural but very minor interest in the legal profession when I was quite young and at secondary education level in Guyana, my home country. I took part in classroom debates that required some basic research and elementary advocacy. The legal profession is highly respected and quite topical in Guyana. It may be that my original interest in that field took birth maybe subconsciously whilst I was a secondary school student.By the time I arrived in the UK in 1988 my adolescent interest in the legal profession had become more pronounced. Within a year or so of my arrival I applied for,cheap nfl jerseys from china, and was granted the position of Trusts & Probate clerk at an eminent firm of Solicitors located within the City of Westminster in London.The firm was established well over 200 years ago and is still in practice to date. My pursuit of formal legal studies commenced during this employment. My employers were instrumental in the acquisition of my early legal qualifications. I wish to register my gratitude to them.I had to, with the greatest reluctance, resign my position when my son was born in 1996. My employers offered and I accepted, off-site, part-time employment that lasted over two years. During that stint I considered the establishment of my own ‘law firm’ providing Will writing, family and immigration law services to the public. In October 1998 I purchased the freehold title of a small building located at 82, Balham High Road,cheap jerseys online, in London.In March 1999 I opened Wills & Legal Services at the pavement level office of that building, offering legal services to the public. I continued my pursuit of higher legal studies on a part-time basis and was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of the Senior Courts of England and Wales in December 2003.On 1st April 2004 I established SJS Solicitors, where I spend so much of my time and energy, and am quite content so to do.Interviewer: What attracted you to specialise in Wills, the law of Trusts and Contentious Probate, immigration and family law?Savita: These specialised areas of law, as well as the law of succession generally, appealed to me during the academic stages of my training and subsisted as I developed plans to establish a firm of Solicitors in London.As I look back on the factors that underpin my sustained attraction to these areas of law, I think that those factors are connected to my enduring recognition of the fact that the standards of human life are so intertwined with, and could be materially affected by aspects of family law, immigration law and the law of succession.These legal rules and principles play a major role in the quality of human life and existence with which we are all very much concerned. It is a personal situation of major responsibility to be put into a position where the practice of your profession can influence the standards of life and lifestyle of many others.It is extremely satisfying to discharge that duty of responsibility to the satisfaction of the clients. These are the thoughts that come to mind whenever I am asked to explain the reasons why I have been [and still is] attracted to the Law of Wills, Trusts and Probate, Immigration and Family Law.Interviewer: What does being Solicitor of the Year mean to you and your future progressions in the legal sector? Are there any other goals you aspire to achieve?Savita: I am content to explain what being Solicitor of the Year means to me,cheap stitched jerseys, but I cannot be sure,nfl jerseys china, though I shall attempt to predict, how the award will bear upon my progression in the legal sector over the next year.Firstly, I am obliged and sincerely thankful to every individual who has contributed in any manner at all to my achievement, and my firm’s achievement of this award. It is a privilege of superlatives to think that I have been granted this award, let alone to hold it. Instincts dictate that I ask myself the question: what really have you done or you and your firm have been doing to even be considered for this title, let alone achieve it? My staff and I simply do the best we can by applying standard principles of human behaviour, courtesy and professionalism which I dare say would have contributed to the votes received.I am proud to the maximum to be granted the title “Lawyer of the Year” as I am proud to serve this noble profession. With regards to what it means in respect of progression within the legal sector, I think that on the grounds of natural expectations,cheap nfl jerseys outlet, SJS Solicitors may experience an increased level of client activity, and probably attract a more varied range of clientele likely to be involved in more complex areas of the law in which the firm is involved.The firm is likely to be exposed to a relatively wider audience publicly and it will experience an element of increased professional traffic. All of these expectations would be divinely welcome by SJS Solicitors.The other goals that come readily to mind is the continuation with, and delivery of high levels of professional standards and providing quality legal services to the public, in the absence of which neither my firm nor I, would be deserving of these awards.

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