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發表於 2017-1-25 17:39:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-Prosecutor blames prison unrest for absence of star witnessThe long awaited trial of Police Sergeant Leon Lindo who is accused of conspiring to murder businessmanPolice SergeantLeon LindoMohamed F. Khan was put off again yesterday.The trial is being conducted by Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The case was put off due to the absence of the prosecution’s main witness, Lennox Wayne,Dan Girardi Rangers Jersey, called Two Colours. He was scheduled to be the first to testify in the matter.The prosecutor explained that Wayne’s absence was due to the prison unrest at the Camp Street prison.Kaieteur News understands that the prosecution is supposed to prepare an order for Wayne’s release from prison but it is not too clear if this was done.  The prosecution did not say if it had any other witness to start the trial.The matter was adjourned to March 29,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, next.In May last year,Matt Murray Penguins Jersey, several weeks after he was questioned about his role in the death of the businessman,Kris Letang Penguins Jersey, Sergeant Leon Lindo made his first court appearance before then Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, charged with conspiracy to commit murder.Lindo, of Lot 220 Belle West, Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara, was not required to plead to the charge which stated that between July 10 and July 18, 2014,Ryan Callahan Lightning Jersey, he conspired with Lennox Wayne to murder Mohamed F. Khan.The charge stems from damning disclosures made by Wayne himself,Terry Sawchuk Red Wings Jersey, who is at present on remand for another murder.Police had launched an investigation after Wayne provided them with a statement in which he claimed that he and Lindo conspired to murder Khan.Khan, 54,Dominic Moore Rangers Jersey, had escaped execution in July 2014 at La Grange,James Patrick Rangers Jersey, West Bank Demerara, when a gunman, who turned out to be Wayne, shot him in his abdomen, shortly after he returned to Guyana on a brief holiday.Wayne had claimed that he was contracted by Lindo to kill Khan for a fee of $500,000.However, there was a fall out between the two after Lindo did not honour his end of the bargain when the execution failed.Mohamed F. Khan, who was a popular city businessman, was last heard from on August 21 last year. A month later his dismembered body was discovered on a dam at Cummings Lodge. His skull, which was wrapped in a plastic bag, was located several feet from the body.Although Wayne claimed he knew nothing of the actual killing,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) found that the investigation proved that he and Lindo were part of a conspiracy to murder the businessman.Khan’s family expressed their frustration at the slow movement of the trial and the lengthy process in concluding the matter.

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