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china jerseys Reginald Matthews









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發表於 2017-1-25 19:23:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Berbicians are expected by July to have more options in their Banking choices when Banks DIH Limited is expected to open a newly constructed branch of Citizen’s Bank in New Amsterdam.The building under construction.This represents a move by the company to expand on it services in the Ancient County.The Bank is being built at the corner of Main and Kent Streets next door to the New Amsterdam Demico Quick Serv branch where the Kiddies Corner once was located. This is not far from the business entity’s New Amsterdam Berbice headquarters.Construction started on the 5,cheap jerseys online,000 square-foot structure in October and is expected to be completed by July.Banks DIH Limited Chairman,cheap nfl jerseys online, Clifford Reis,wholesale jerseys usa, addressing the 19th shareholders meeting held at the Beverage Giant New Amsterdam head office at Main and Peter D Aguiar (New Street) stated that the idea to construct the bank came out of request by Berbician shareholders for them to have their own branch of the bank as the business expands.Reis stated that the idea was favourably considered.He said that after consideration the success story of the other segments of the company’s Berbice operations under Branch Manager,cheap nfl jerseys 2015, Reginald Matthews,cheapjerseys.cc, it was not difficult to decide that the Company will open a branch in Berbice.The building in New Amsterdam is a replica of the one being built in Georgetown. Construction on both buildings began around the same time.He said that he is sure that the July deadline for the Berbice branch could be met since all of the required materials for construction are already in the Guyana.What is more encouraging is that the contractor is from New Amsterdam; Home Designs and Construction Company.“The opening of the new branch will provide job opportunities and I hope that Berbicians will grab up the opportunities to work in the bank. “It will have eight tellers up front and will also be serviced by two ATM machines. I hope that by July when I come back to open the bank and I look inside I will only see Berbicians working inside.”

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