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cheap jerseys the Minister revealed that the Ministry had other apprehensions









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“There is always somebody to be blamed and we know who is to be blamed,” Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy asserted yesterday, even as he commented on the H1N1 vaccines that were found to be compromised.Although not entirely the fault of officials within the Ministry, the Minister did note that an individual has been found to have had some level of culpability in the state of affairs. That person,cheapnfljerseys.cc, he confirmed, has since been sent on leave and the Ministry is yet to determine if further action will be necessary.“We all have responsibility…and I am not saying that people do things deliberately because they want to do bad things…The person who should have been there decided that she had other important things to do and left junior officers to take care of it.”The resulting situation, according to the Minister, is that the vaccines had been compromised due to the fact that they were refrigerated at an inappropriate time.He underscored that whenever such situations arise there is always the question of potency.“We have to make sure that our vaccines are 100 percent potent, and here in Guyana anytime that something happens that is not in compliance with all of the recommendations,china nfl jerseys, we move to replace the vaccines. Maybe in a previous year, or in another country,cheap nfl jerseys, people would say it is a minor thing and chances would have been taken, but we were not about to do so…”But even if there was no concern about the refrigeration time of the vaccines,cheap jerseys online, the Minister revealed that the Ministry had other apprehensions, which were related to the fact that the batch arrived with a slight variation in the temperature.According to Ramsammy, from the time that the vaccines leave the manufacturer there is a monitoring of the temperature and once the vaccines’ temperature is not in sync with the recommended temperature, it is the stance of the Ministry not to utilise them.“In this case there was variation in the recommended temperature on arrival…not much, and not for a long period and that had nothing to do with anybody’s negligence, but in keeping with our policy we would have sent it back anyway.”The Ministry of Health has since requested and as of yesterday was in receipt of a new batch of the vaccines, which comes compliments of the World Health Organisation (WHO).The minister highlighted, though, that not every country is lucky to receive vaccines within an hour from the manufacturing site, stressing that “in our case we don’t have flights that come directly to us from Europe or wherever,cheap nfl jerseys for sale, so there will be storage at different places.So it comes with particular storage and temperature monitoring and on arrival there was a light variation.”“Globally we recognise these issues and there has never been a problem in replacing any vaccine that may have a question mark. And that is exactly what has happened in this case, this batch had a question mark,” he insisted.An initial batch of the vaccines had arrived in Guyana during the latter part of March,cheap nfl jerseys 2015, and some 60,000 doses have already been dispensed, according to the Minister.He revealed that currently the Ministry is using a model of a single-dose per person although some countries have been utilising a two-dose model.The Minister had revealed to this newspaper that he had been able to negotiate with the WHO to donate the H1N1 vaccines, valued in the millions,china jerseys cheap, free of cost to Guyana.So far some 300,nfl jerseys cheap,000 doses have been assured of which 200,cheapjerseys.com,000 have already arrived. He said another 100,000 would be sent as the need arises.

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