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發表於 2017-1-25 20:30:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Delon Small was on Thursday committed to stand trial at the High Court in Georgetown for the murder of former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guardsman Kevon Payne.MURDERED: Kevon PayneIt is alleged that on March 29, last, at Charlestown, Small of Albouystown murdered Payne.At the conclusion of a Preliminary Inquiry (PI) by Magistrate Leron Daly,Flyers #53 Shayne Gostisbehere Orange Stitched NHL Jersey, the accused was informed that a Prima Facie case was made out against him for the offence, based on evidence led by Police Prosecutor Bharat Mangru.Small was called upon to lead a defence in which he told the court he had nothing to say. He will be allowed to plead to the charge before a judge and jury at the next sitting of the Demerara Criminal Assizes.He remains on remand.Police had said that Payne was among a group of men standing on the roadway at Lyng and Sussex Streets,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, Charlestown,Nike Broncos #6 Mark Sanchez Blue Alternate Womens Stitched NFL New Elite Jersey, when two men armed with firearms rode up on a motorcycle and discharged several rounds in their direction, hitting Payne.Payne was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.Meanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Payne’s brother,Nike Dolphins #94 Mario Williams Green Womens Stitched NFL Limited Salute to Service Jersey, Vellone Thorne, and another man, Trifton Parris, are currently on remand for the murder of Gladstone Taylor,Wholesale Houston Astros Jerseys, formerly of Charlestown.They are jointly charged with the murder of Taylor which occurred on April 1,Wholesale Cincinnati Bengals Jerseys, at Georgetown.Taylor was shot several times about the body by gunmen while sitting in a chair at his Adelaide and Sussex Streets, Charlestown home. It was reported that the armed men rode up in front his residence and discharged several rounds at him, before escaping on a motorcycle.Detectives had said that the two killings were linked since there was an ongoing feud between the parties.

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