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發表於 2017-1-25 22:39:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Following the ripples through the Stabroek Market area by the demonstration staged by route 40 and route 48 minibuses to protest their anger at the relocation of their bus park, a protest is being planned by the General Minibus Association of Guyana.According to a press release, zone minibuses are being asked to assemble at Square of the Revolution from 6:30 hours this morning.This action is coming in the wake of protests from various minibus operators over the relocation of their parks in the Stabroek Market area. Route 45 (Main Street/Lamaha/GPHC) buses have already taken to their new park located in the parking area at Stabroek Market Square.President of the General Minibus Association of Guyana,Chicago Cubs Kris Bryant Jersey, Lylon Weithers should be leading the protest this morning. He said that the Traffic Chief contacted him yesterday morning,Los Angeles Dodgers Mike Piazza Jersey, informing him that Route 41 and 46 (Stabroek/Lodge) minibuses would be relocated to the Stabroek Market Square.He said that he was unsure whether this would still be an issue with the bus drivers and conductors along these routes,Los Angeles Dodgers Brandon Beachy Jersey, but highlighted that it made no sense having a problem if there is no where else for them to go.Yesterday afternoon,Boston Red Sox Jim Rice Jersey, finishing touches were being added to this area and one of the members of the Guyana Police Force noted that the park will go into use tomorrow and that drivers were willing to use the new park.However, the drivers who ply Route 41(Guyhoc/South) said otherwise. Numerous drivers expressed their dissatisfaction with the area to which they were being assigned.One of them said that the traffic lights that function at the junction of the Avenue of the Republic and Brickdam will complicate their operation.Route 41 minibuses have been without a park since Sunday when their old park on the Avenue of the Republic was deemed a no parking zone. Since then they have been making their pickups and drop offs on the corners of Croal Street and Avenue of the Republic.They note that they have been under fire from the police since this is illegal but note that since they have no park they have to do what they can.Dexter Sineer, a Route 41 driver/conductor,Detroit Tigers James McCann Jersey, noted that the police have told them that if they park on Croal Street (opposite the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court) they can face three days in prison.This is apparently due to the buses making noise as they source customers; this noise disturbs the magistrates.Nicholas Nnami,Detroit Tigers Anibal Sanchez Jersey, President of the Guyana Public Transportation Association, said that while he was aware of the protest,Cleveland Indians Larry Doby Jersey, his organisation was not a part of it.He said that it was his opinion that this protest was unnecessary, as bus parks have now been provided for all bus routes.The Route 41 minibuses say that they will be out in force along with the Route 46 buses. No word has yet been had about the participation of others.The Guyana Police Force has said that it is unaware of plans for today’s demonstration.Minister of Public Works,Boston Red Sox Carlton Fisk Jersey, Robeson Benn,Chicago Cubs Justin Grimm Jersey, has said that buses operators who do not comply with the new parks and continue to load and off-load passengers outside of the designated areas will be charged.

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