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發表於 2019-3-18 17:00:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Diamond hit-and-run death… Police are trying to contact an overseas-based Guyanese to ascertain whether he was involved in the hit-and-run accident in which Ramona Harris perished on Good Friday.The owner of the car has alleged that the man,Kanken Backpack UK Shop, who is his relative, was behind the wheel when the accident occurred.Traffic Chief Neil Semple told Kaieteur News yesterday that the investigation into Harris’ death should be completed today.Ramona HarrisAsked whether attempts were being made to contact US officials and have the man brought back to Guyana,Babe Ruth Jersey, Semple stated that “our investigation entails all of that.”The Traffic Chief had disclosed last week that ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department are also involved in the investigation.According to Senior Superintendent Semple, the Better Hope, East Coast Demerara resident who owns the car alleged that he was at home on Good Friday night and had loaned the vehicle to the overseas-based relative.He reportedly claimed that when the relative returned the car he observed that it had sustained some damage.The owner alleged that he suspected that the vehicle had been involved in a serious mishap,Cheap Yeezy Shoes Online, and this allegedly led to him visit the Brickdam Police Station the following day,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, accompanied by his attorney.He also claimed that the relative has returned overseas.Semple said that the investigators have verified that an overseas-based relative of the vehicle owner had visited Guyana and left the country the day after the accident.Police had detained the owner but have since released him. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the vehicle has been impounded at the Brickdam Police Station.A broken mirror engraved with the licence number HB 6471 was found at the scene. However, police said that the vehicle is now privately operated and has a PMM licence plate.The ‘death car’Ramona Harris,Hockey Jerseys From China, who has a one-year-old daughter, was walking along the main road in Diamond Housing Scheme around 22:00 hrs on Good Friday when she was struck from behind by a speeding car.She was dragged about 70 feet from the point of impact.The driver continued heading east along the same roadway before reportedly turning into Grove Housing Scheme.Ms Harris was laid to rest on Friday at the Grove,Carolina Panthers Team Store Online, East Bank Demerara Cemetery.

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