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發表於 2017-1-26 00:35:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PAT DIALWe are now in the heart of the Christmas Season. This is a time of the year which is like no other and is especial to consumers. Shopping is one of the numerous delightful facets of Christmas.People do more shopping at this time than at any other time of the year and the business community court them with beautifully decorated stores, promotions and goods of every description, some quite exotic. Shopping at Christmas is not merely buying goods as at other times of the year but is being immersed in an ambiance of festivity.Children in particular are taken through the shops seeing the ingenious and colourful decorations and examining the toys of every description, some quite new as compared with old-style teddy bears or trains or pistols since they have an element of Information Technology (IT) to them. They are taking in experiences and impressions which will live with them throughout their lives. Giving books to children as Christmas gifts is a custom which is dying and needs to be revived as books entertain, educate and in many cases have laid the foundation of successful lives. Christmas shopping could often compulsively lead shoppers to buy gaudy and attractive goods which they do not really need; shoppers are therefore enjoined to buy wisely and to buy those things which they really need.Christmas is a time of feasting and housewives cook special dishes, sometimes with exotic menus. Many families have now taken to ordering foods from restaurants and using aereated fruit juices and drinks. Traditional Guyanese Christmas fare such as ginger beer,Wholesale New York Yankees Jerseys, mauby, sorrel and rice and jamoon wines pepperpot, rotis of various kinds and home-made fruit cakes needs to be revived since they are delightful and far more wholesome and give better value for money than restaurant fare.By Guyanese tradition, homes were cleaned inside out, furniture was renewed,Cheap Jerseys From China, and the house was decorated. This tradition was cathartic as it cleaned up the dross of the past year and ushered in the New Year with optimism.Older folk would talk of the “Christmas weather” which only occurred at Christmastime and their observation was valid. During December, the Earth is moving away from the Sun and is furthest away on December 23, which is the shortest day of the year. During the weeks in December before the Winter Solstice on December 23, the sun is milder and is of a more golden hue than say, in August.There are many blues in the sky from east to west and these changes as we admire them and the clouds are all gentle silver sometimes enriched with slate clouds. The night sky is of a deep purple and the stars seem bigger brighter and lower and the constellations could be clearly seen.Each afternoon before dusk is different from the other and the sunsets are more pastel with a great deal of turquoise,Giants #27 Juan Marichal Grey Cool Base Stitched MLB Jersey, russet,Nike Steelers #11 Markus Wheaton White Mens NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey, pinks and some orange and quite different from the blazing sunsets of August.And each dusk is a treat of quickly changing colours, some hues never before experienced, and all suffused in a clear blue haze.The weather at this time is one of the greatest delights of the year and should be enjoyed to the fullest.One of the main facets of the Season is the religious,Nike Rams #99 Aaron Donald Royal Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, that is, celebrating the birth and life of Lord Jesus. Christians attend their various churches and all services tend to be lifting. The night services, especially of the Catholic churches are always colourful and well-attended. Most churches were decorated with scenes of the Nativity and the radio and TV carried programes on the Christmas story.Muslims and Hindus pay respect to the birth of Lord Jesus and celebrate the festival and may sometimes attend Christmas services with a friend emphasizing the concord and cooperation which the world’s three great religions enjoy in Guyana.At this time Christmas music, both secular and religious,Wholesale USA Soccer Jerseys, is heard everywhere. The religious music often has a classical background and many young people are thus introduced to classical music. The secular music tends to be the better American popular music with perennials like “Spring Fever”.So far we have had a largely crime-free Season and with the more ubiquitous police presence and citizens being more prepared to deal with the bandits, it should remain that way. Yet we should not drop our guard since the occasional gun-toting bandit may still try to rob, the occasional snatcher and pick-pocket may still try to operate in the Christmas shopping crowds. Minibus commuters should always be on the lookout for pick-pockets.One of the many delights of the Christmas Season is that it provides a great opportunity for renewing and strengthening friendships by a telephone call,Nike Cowboys #89 Gavin Escobar Navy Blue/White Throwback Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, an e-mail. a card or even a small gift.or making time to go out to parties.Enjoy the many delights and pleasures which the Season brings and clear the decks so that we can all enter the New Year with hope and optimism.

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