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發表於 2017-1-26 23:57:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Caribbean Business and Travel, a new publication that promotes investment opportunities in all sectors of the economy in the region and showcases several tourism destinations, was launched in Toronto last week.Caribbean Business and Travel Publisher and Editor Sandra Ann Baptiste proudly displays the magazine with CTO Secretary General Hugh Riley.Secretary General of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Hugh Riley, who officially launched the new magazine at the organization’s annual press conference in Toronto, described the publication as “excellent and very welcomed”.It was distributed at the CTO’s Caribbean tourism industry awards luncheon.“We have identified investment opportunities across the region in several sectors including tourism, agriculture,Brandon Belt Giants Jersey, energy,Bob Feller Indians Jersey, manufacturing and technology,Danny Salazar Indians Jersey, port development, airport management and the creative industry.We believe companies and entrepreneurs in North America need to be informed about the wide range of business opportunities in the region,” said the Publisher and Editor of the magazine,Joey Gallo Rangers Jersey, Sandra Ann Baptiste.Baptiste is a communications, investment promotion and Caribbean Affairs Specialist for over 30 years.“Our target markets are business executives and companies, travel agents and diaspora leaders in Toronto, New York and Florida. Since tourism is the lifeblood of many of our tourism destinations, we believe that potential investors should also be informed about the fabulous and unique tourism offerings throughout the region,” said Baptiste,Bob Gibson Cardinals Jersey, who served as the first head of Guyana’s investment agency, GO-Invest.Caribbean Business and Travel is a publication of Florida-based Carigold Signature, a marketing,Sammy Sosa Cubs Jersey, communications and training group headed by Baptiste, who is also the editor of the Caribbean Tourism and Hospitality Investment Guide, a publication of the CTO and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA).St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, is the main Signature Interview in the inaugural edition. Jamaica’s Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett and former Guyana Tourism Minister Cathy Hughes, provide in-depth information on plans to develop the tourism industry.The inaugural edition also features the President of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce (CAIC), Mr. Ramesh Dookhoo; the President of CHTA, Karolin Troubetzkoy; WestJet Vice President Tim Croyle; Sandals CEO Adam Stewart and the President of the St. Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA) Savonik Destang.A copy of Caribbean Business and Travel was presented at the CTO event to WestJet’s Vice-President,Dwight Gooden Mets Jersey, Sales and Business Development,Justin Upton Orioles Jersey, Lyell Farquharson. Vice President of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Network and Membership Relations,Tommy Hunter Indians Jersey, Tracy Hanson, received copies of the new publication, which will be distributed to Canadian companies interested in business opportunities in the Caribbean.Among the special events promoted are the Caribbean Central America Action (CCAA) 2016 Miami Conference on the Caribbean and Central America, Caribbean Travel Marketplace 2017 in the Bahamas and the Barbados Food and Rum Festival. There is also a Destination Weddings and Honeymoon section.

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