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發表於 2019-4-7 03:41:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– to be laid to rest next WednesdayThe gunman who killed political activist Courtney Crum–Ewing shot him twice to the temple, once to the back of the head, and twice to the stomach.Courtney Crum–EwingThe killer used a .32 pistol and fired at such close range that gunpowder burns were left on his victim’s clothes and body.This was revealed yesterday during a postmortem that was witnessed by Attorney-at-Law and Alliance For Change member, Nigel Hughes.Cause of death was given as shock and haemorrhage.Crum-Ewing’s mother, Donna Harcourt, said that the postmortem left her with no doubt that the person who executed her son was skilled in the use of firearms.“The person who shot knew how to shoot; it’s someone who knows to kill,” she told Kaieteur News yesterday.Crum-Ewing, a former Queen’s College student and army officer, was gunned down last Tuesday night at Third Avenue,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, reportedly while urging residents, by way of a bullhorn, to vote against the ruling party in the upcoming General and Regional Elections on May 11.Police had stated that Crum-Ewing was accosted by four men in a car, one of whom discharged several rounds,Cheap Rams Jerseys, hitting him about his body.However, it is being revealed that there were only two men in the car that transported the shooter. A second car with another two men came up soon after.The autopsy has dispelled reports that Crum-Ewing was shot while trying to flee his killer(s). Police have also received reports that there was a brief verbal confrontation before the gunfire.Detectives are said to be examining camera footage from the area, but indications are that they have made little headway in identifying the killers or the getaway car.In fact,NBA Jerseys From China, people who live in the neighbourhood now say that there are no cameras in the area.Crum-Ewing’s relatives have alleged that he had complained twice of receiving threats. This occurred when the 40-year-old ex-army officer began staging his one-man protests outside Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall’s Carmichael Street office, while urging the Attorney General to resign in the wake of a recorded telephone conversation between himself and a Kaieteur News journalist.The first threat was reportedly made by an individual,Cheap Shoes China, who allegedly drove up to Crum-Ewing and said: “Anil ain’t going nowhere,Hydro Flask Barn, so you better go or else…”On another occasion, he was reportedly told: “Crum-Ewing, you don’t mean to stop this stupidness?” They said that the protestor had reported these threats to the police and identified one of the individuals, but no action was taken.Crum-Ewing’s minibus was also vandalized.His stepfather,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Eustace Harcourt, said that they had repeatedly cautioned the outspoken Crum-Ewing about taking unnecessary risks. “I would try to explain the dangers. I would tell him that I didn’t want him on the road late at night.“He would say: ‘if you have to live in fear, if you can’t talk,China Jerseys, then I can’t live in this country.’”Mrs. Harcourt said that the family has been heartened by the support received from total strangers. “The number of people that called in crying; the number of people that he made an impact on in such a short time (is encouraging).”Relatives said that he is scheduled to be laid to rest on Wednesday.

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