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In an effort to provide a service to the community at large, the library of the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC) recently concluded its eighth August holiday reading programme at the Berbice Campus. That programme ended on July 29, last.This reading programme targeted 60 Grade Six slow learners, with McGowan Primary School in Manchester Village being the main target school.One of the groups called “Group of Learners” posing with one of their teachers at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus during the closing ceremony.The main aim of this initiative is to improve the reading skills of students with a view to assisting them in their preparation for the 2012 Grade Six Assessment.This year 15 students of the UGBC together with resource person, Ms. Norma Mendonca,Discount NFL Jerseys, a trained graduate teacher and Literacy Advisor, conducted the training for the volunteer staff.According to a press release from the UGBC,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the volunteer teachers were inducted into a training session to develop methodologies for teaching strategies.The reading programme had its opening ceremony on July 11,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, 2011 in the Auditorium of the Berbice Campus.This was attended by members of the University of Guyana community, special invitees, donors to the programme,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, volunteer staff, parents and students.On the first day of the programme, there was an evaluation of each students’ reading strategies.The release further stated that this was undertaken through a miscue done by analysis by the volunteer teachers for each student while the students conducted self-assessments of their reading strategies.The programme culminated with a closing ceremony at which students had an opportunity to display some of what they had learnt during the three week period.At this event the Reading and Research Centre sold books while letters were distributed to parents of the students encouraging them to make it a priority in purchasing at least one book for their child/ children.Prizes of books were given to the most improved students of each group.Some of the significant donors included Republic Bank,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Spready’s Bakery,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Demerara Bank, New Building Society, Scotia Bank, Poonai Pharmacy, Demerara Distillers Limited, Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited, DIGICEL, Magistrate C. Sohan, Mr. David Subnauth, Mr. O. Ramprsaud.

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