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發表於 2017-1-28 02:20:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister,Jason Pominville Jersey, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has invited Guyanese housing developers to travel to the island,Jason Zucker Jersey, to assist in the enhancement of the housing sector there.This is according to the Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Indranauth Haralsingh, who said that the invitation was extended upon the completion of a recent tour by the Vincentian leader,Jarret Stoll Jersey, to several housing schemes along the East Bank Demerara corridor.St. Vincent and the Grenadines PM, Dr. Ralph GonsalvesGonsalves was at the time paying a brief visit to Guyana as he prepares to take up the Chairmanship of CARICOM.Chevon Singh,Trevor Daley Jersey, Communications Officer of the GTA said that during his stay, Gonsalves said that he heard much about Guyana’s housing programme, and therefore wanted the see the model that is being used.GTA was then tasked with conducting the tour.Gonsalves was quoted by the GTA as being impressed by what he had witnessed.Singh explained that should the local developers take up the offer, they would have to work along with the state-owned Housing and Land Development Cooperation of St. Vincent.Prime Minister Gonsalves noted in a statement that “the state-owned Housing and Land Development Cooperation does good work but also there is scope for Private Sector development and they have the liquidity and there are opportunities,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, obviously you will get a greater return than if you leave your money in the bank… the people also from the private sector who are investing, I would like some of them to come to St. Vincent to assist with the investment programme for housing.”According to Dr. Gonsalves the developmental model being adopted in Guyana also allows for the integration of private sector development, taking into consideration ‘low middle income’ and ‘middle income’ settlements.Alluding to the significance of this,Antti Niemi Jersey, the St. Vincent leader said, “I like the idea because of the amount of space you have, you can integrate private sector development houses of a bigger kind with the low middle income and middle income houses. Obviously when they are integrated they will give a particular effect.”According to the GTA Director, Gonsalves also asserted that the “success story” of Guyana’s housing sector is one that should be told to the various Caribbean countries, and further afield.Accompanied by Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali on the tour, Gonsalves lauded the policies and initiatives to create “affordable” housing for its citizens.Minister Ali acknowledged Prime Minister Gonsalves’ role in spearheading a new vision of the region, leading the whole process of integration.“I am very delighted that Prime Minister Gonsalves himself is leading this effort at looking at examples within countries,Johnny Gaudreau Team North America Jersey, and to see how we can apply different examples in the region to further strengthen our programme.”He also explained that Gonsalves “has given us some good ideas on how to further improve the housing programme here and to further expand it. I think he is indeed a man of the region; he has a good understanding of all the countries within the region and the social fabric within the region.”The Housing Minister also expressed that Guyana is looking forward to having the private sector benefit from the integration with St. Vincent, as well as to collaborate with St. Vincent to have an investment forum for GuyExpo.Additionally,Devan Dubnyk Jersey, Prime Minister Gonsalves said that he finds it especially inspiring that there are a number of women who are getting involved as contractors.“…so there is a change sociologically too and in the business community, it is fantastic,Michael Jordan Jersey,” he asserted.

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