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Cheap Dallas Cowboys Throwback Jerseys the coaches









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發表於 2019-4-22 03:36:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Griffin has tried to quash the perceived tension between him and coach Mike Shanahan, which surfaced during training camp when the two disagreed over the quarterback's participation in practice. He kept up his new coach-is-the-boss theme when taking about Monday's game.
Notes: S Brandon Meriweather (groin), who missed Monday's game, was a full participant in Wednesday's practice. ... Limited were DL Chris Baker (stomach illness) and CB David Amerson (back).
"We were just sloppy as an offense,Ultra Boost Wholesale," Griffin said. "We made our coaches look bad on a national stage."
There's only a one-week buildup to Week 2. And maybe that's for the best.

Griffin said this will be a "more routine" week, with the team seeking to fix the mistakes that doomed the 33-27 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles. In theory, the top item on the agenda has already been accomplished: Griffin needed some live game action after sitting the preseason because of the knee. Perhaps that's one reason he played better in the second half, although stats can be deceiving when trying to make up a 26-point deficit.
"You know when your technique is sound, you know how you throw the ball, and you know what you have to do if you make a bad throw. You fix those things in practice,Fj?llr?ven K?nken Rea, you fix them in the game, and that's what we're going to do."
Griffin didn't run much against the Eagles, and he didn't have a single carry in the zone-read, the scheme that helped make him the NFL's Offensive Rookie of the Year in 2012. He has made it known he wants to be more of a passing quarterback, and he said his amount of carries will "just depends on what the defense gives us."
Griffin declined to cite the layoff for his first two-interception game as a pro, saying he's not one to make excuses. He also said those finding fault with his mechanics are looking with a biased eye because he's coming off an injury.
After a rusty, uneven performance that helped make Week 1 such a letdown, it's on to Sunday's game against the Green Bay Packers. There won't be a flashy entrance for Griffin at Lambeau Field. No making a spectacle of himself by pounding the turf three times with both fists and running 100 yards with the Redskins flag during the lineup introductions.
And there's the relief that his surgically repaired right knee feels fine.
"You can always improve your mechanics," Griffin said. "There's going to be times when you're in the pocket and you have to make an off-balance throw. You've just got to do that. ... If I make a bad throw coming off of an injury, it's 'my mechanics' and 'I'm not driving off of my back leg.' But if a healthy quarterback makes a bad throw, it's just a bad throw. I understand that. There's just stuff you have to just not look at.
"I didn't expect us to go out there and look phenomenal. This is the guy's first game," receiver Santana Moss said. "You have to take a couple of bumps and bruises for him to get his rhythm, and once he got his rhythm, then I said 'OK, this is just a start.' Every week he's going to get better. We're going to get better because we're going to have more time together to mesh.
"I passed the hit test, got hit a lot,Football Jerseys Cheap," he said. "I got hit every kind of way, too. I think that's another huge relief for everybody,Cheap NHL Jerseys Authentic, the coaches, players, myself."
Physically, Griffin said he has "typical soreness from getting hit," but that his knee feels fine.
"Everyone was excited about it. ... The fact of the matter is we went through a hard offseason this year, not just me but this team," Griffin said Wednesday. "And to get out of that game healthy,K?nken Ryggs?ck Billigt, to move forward to the next week,Nike NFL China Wholesale, I think that's a big load off everybody's shoulders."
"You can practice sharp and crisp and everything, but if you don't go out there and play in a live game where live bullets are flying at you, then you won't know how to really take it, so I'm glad he got a game under his belt."
ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — Robert Griffin III had an eight-month buildup to Week 1, contributing to much of the hype himself with his rehab-focused commercial and documentary.

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