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Blake Swihart Jersey vital to the Steelers' success









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發表於 2019-4-23 09:13:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Steelers are in the process of instituting a youth movement on defense, revamping an aging veteran group that made three Super Bowl appearances and captured two championships. Several long-time members of those championship teams,Alex Okafor Jersey, vital to the Steelers' success, are gone. The list includes Aaron Smith, Chris Hoke, and James Farrior, in addition to Casey Hampton and James Harrison, who weren't retained in the offseason.
"You have to work that much harder,Miami Dolphins Jersey Throwback, be that much more focused because you're trying to prolong your career as long as you can."
Keisel, who is in the final year of his contract, has no plans to retire at season's end, and the reliable 34-year-old doesn't plan to let those emotions affect his play on the field either.
"It's a feeling that comes on later in your career where you know this could be your last year, it could be your last game," said Foote, who was also drafted in 2002, the same year as Keisel.
Keisel counts $4.5 million against the salary cap this year,Vans Old Skool Clearance, and has 2011 first-round draft pick Cameron Heyward playing as his backup, a potential heir-apparent to the starting job at defensive end.
"I don't feel like age has bothered him at all," Steelers' linebacker Lawrence Timmons said. "Brett has been here for a long time and he provides energy to our defense. He has some type of youth juice."
"If this is the end, then I want to go out on top. If it's not the end, I'll be excited to be here."
Age hasn't caught up to the energetic Keisel, who is playing the best football of his career. Keisel started 30 of the previous 32 games, finishing with 58 tackles and a career-best 40 quarterback pressures last year. He earned his first career Pro Bowl nod in 2010 and was named a third alternate the following year.
Keisel is unsure how his story will unfold. Another Super Bowl ring would provide the ideal ending,Scarpe Adidas Saldi, and he intends to do everything in his power to make sure that happens.
"I want to enjoy this year," Keisel said. "I don't know what's going to happen with everything. I'm going to go out and give it my all and have fun and see what happens.
"He helps you play fast, helps you play hard, and helps you play smart," nose tackle Steve McLendon said. "Brett has two Super Bowls. We're trying to get where Brett is. We're trying to bring him number three."
The young guys enjoy Keisel's veteran presence.
Keisel, despite his stellar play, realizes he could be next. It's a sensation fellow 12-year veteran Larry Foote knows all too well.
"I'm just enjoying it," Keisel said. "I enjoy being a leader, helping out some of these young guys, and still having the opportunity to play."
"We need his leadership and everything he provides to get us through," fifth-year defensive end Ziggy Hood said. "When we need answers we look for him. He's always going to provide words of wisdom. If he leads us through,Football Jerseys Discount, I'm going to follow."
Keisel, the seventh-round draft pick out of BYU in 2002,Cheap Adidas Shoes, is taking it in stride.
LATROBE, Pa. (AP) — Brett Keisel realizes this could be his final season with the Pittsburgh Steelers, the only NFL team the veteran defensive end has ever played for.
Keisel plays a big brother mentor role to the other members of the defensive line, while also providing energy and a stabilizing presence following the recent losses of Hampton and Smith.
"I'm not saying it will be my last season," Keisel said. "I'm just saying it's the last year on my contract. That's all it is. I'm excited about this year, and we'll see what happens after that."

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