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發表於 2017-1-28 09:23:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several witnesses have already testified in the Preliminary Inquiry (PI) of Hubert Pilgrim, alleged murderer of Nursery School teacher Natalie Loncke. The prosecution has signaled that many more witnesses are yet to come.The daughter of the deceased,Tim McCarver Cardinals Jersey, 19-year-old Renatha Craig,Jon Lester Cubs Jersey, is still to testify. The dead woman’s relatives have already testified. So too have several officers who would have taken part in the investigation of the matter.Hubert PilgrimDetective Sergeant Suraj Singh appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday to testify. Appearing before Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry,Dave Dravecky Giants Jersey, Singh,Matt Cain Giants Jersey, led by the prosecution,Gregor Blanco Giants Jersey, told the court about his role in the investigation into the killing of 41-year-old Natalie Loncke.The detective told the court about his role in procuring information from the defendant and other persons. Led by the Prosecutor,Gio Gonzalez Nationals Jersey, Inspector Stephen Telford,Jedd Gyorko Cardinals Jersey, Singh also spoke about what transpired between him and the defendant on the day of questioning.Pilgrim is unrepresented. He declined to cross examine the officer but there was a brief re-examination by the prosecution.He said that there were five more witnesses to be presented on behalf of the prosecution.Pilgrim is currently held for the murder of his reputed wife 41 year old Nursery School teacher,Drew Hutchison Blue Jays Jersey, Natalie Loncke. The woman was killed on February 12,Ian Kinsler Orioles Jersey, last, at her Norton Street apartment after a heated argument. The two persons had shared a common law relationship.The man had also reportedly wounded the dead woman’s daughter after he assaulted her with an object when she intervened into the argument between the defendant and her mother.Loncke was discovered lying in a pool of blood by the daughter who had left the couple alone after being struck with the object.  The 19-year-old rushed her mother to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she succumbed to her stab wounds.Reports revealed that Pilgrim had allegedly been hiding out in the Le Repentir Cemetery where he was employed as a tomb builder.Reports were that the defendant had fled to neighbouring Suriname where he was detained by the Dutch ranks who handed him over to Guyanese officials at the Suriname/Guyana border.The man had reportedly been held on assault charges in Suriname and for being in the country illegally. The PI has been adjourned to November 23.

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