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發表於 2019-4-24 00:56:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dr Ramesh Chander Sharma, Indian national and former Regional Director of the Indira Gandhi National Open University,Wholesale Football Jerseys, India, on July 1, last assumed duty as Director of the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE), the extra-mural arm of the University of Guyana, established in 1976.The new Director’s two-year appointment comes under the auspices of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation.Dr Sharma is the holder of a doctorate in Education Technology and has taught in the areas of educational technology, educational research and statistics, educational measurement,Seahawks Jersey Youth Cheap, and the psychodynamics of mental health to first and second degree students for over a decade.He has delivered keynote addresses in Hong Kong, New Zealand and Taiwan and has conducted many Human Development training programmes for several in-service and pre-service teachers and is a member of many committees on the implementation of technology at the Open University.His areas of specialisation include staff development,K?nken Ryggs?ck Rea, on-line learning,Wholesale Shoes China Free Shipping, student support services in open and distance learning,Adidas Superstar Clearance Sale, and teacher education.He has co-authored a book on Distance Education Research; co-edited two books entitled “Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training” and “Cases on GlobalE-Learning Practices: Successes and Pitfalls” and he also authored the “Encyclopedia of Distance Learning.” among his many publications.According to Dr Sharma,Football Jerseys China, his involvement in those settings and in Distance Education teaching has enabled him to gain practical knowledge of technology-based teaching and learning in the tertiary education sector.Additionally,Football Jerseys Cheap, his experiences have provided numerous opportunities for him to implement distance education programmes from a diversity of perspectives based in conventional campus-based as well as distance education and mixed mode educational institutions settings. His job also afforded him “the opportunity to work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and gel well with them.”Dr Sharma takes over from Francis Glasgow, who served as Director (ag) from 2006 after the retirement of former Director, Samuel Small.

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