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發表於 2019-4-24 03:17:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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White worked as an elevator mechanic for more than 40 years and was employed by Schindler Elevator Corp. An investigation into his death by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is underway.
The delivery truck driver was crushed early Monday by a bundle of rebar being unloaded from his truck, officials at the scene said. It's the second worker death at the construction project.
SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — Construction is slated to restart Tuesday at the new $1.2 billion San Francisco 49ers showcase stadium after police and fire investigators determined a truck driver's death was a workplace accident and not a crime.
Construction firm investigators also were on-scene Monday, to see what could have been done to prevent what is now the second deadly accident at the site.
The Santa Clara County Medical Examiner-Coroner's Office identified the man as Edward Erving Lake II, 60, of Vacaville. He was an employee of Gerdau Ameristeel's Napa Reinforcing Steel facility, a subcontractor working on the stadium, Gerdau's spokeswoman Kimberly M. Selph said.
An ambulance rushed the severely injured worker to a local hospital,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, where he died, according to a spokesman for Turner/Devcon, the construction company building Levi's Stadium.
In a statement, the 49ers said their "sincerest thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and co-workers affected by this tragedy." The team also said there were plans to have support on-site Tuesday to help workers with their emotions following the tragedy.
The stadium is in Santa Clara,Wholesale Jerseys China Shop, about 40 miles south of Candlestick Park, which it is replacing. Construction is slated to be finished in July, and crews have been working in high gear to meet that deadline. Officials say the accelerated work plan involves a highly coordinated scheme to maximize efficiency and avoid delays.
"We are deeply saddened to confirm that the driver has passed away as a result of his injuries," spokesman Jonathan Harvey said.
An elevator mechanic, 63-year-old Donald White,China Jerseys Football, was killed at the stadium in June when he was struck by a counterweight while working in a shaft.
The stadium project is expected to open its doors just in time to host the 50th Super Bowl,Rams Jersey Super Bowl, in 2016,Cheap Seahawks Gear, in the heart of the Silicon Valley. The airy, open stadium would have the largest lower bowl in the league, ensuring the 68,Cheap Shoes Online Free Delivery,500 fans are close to the action.
Harvey said state workplace safety officials told them Monday that while their investigation is ongoing and could take months, "the jobsite has been deemed safe and is permitted to reopen."
The construction costs are being paid by $800 million in seat and luxury box sales, along with a 20-year, $220 million naming rights agreement with Levi Strauss and Co. announced in May.

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