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發表於 2019-4-25 03:39:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused Tyrone “Cobra” Rowe – “I talking everything because I punishing in jail” – CobraSeveral weeks after he was charged with murder of Plaisance resident,Dallas Cowboys Jersey White, Troy Collymore,Kanken Backpack UK Shop, Tyrone “Cobra” Rowe, 19,Bob Cousy Jersey, was further remanded to prison, but not before making damaging statements against a number of police officials.Rowe appeared yesterday before Magistrate Fazil Azeez, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.As his matter was called Rowe stood from the prisoner’s dock and asked the magistrate if he could say something. He was granted that favour by Magistrate Azeez.Rowe began to tell the court that he and number of high ranking police officials were friends, but that the relationship turned sour after they did not keep their end of the bargain. According to Rowe some officers had seized a quantity of cocaine and they had promised to give him a portion of the prohibited drug.“They seize de cocaine….and they seh they gun give me two kilos to sell. Up to now they can’t do nothing”.Rowe further stated that the police wanted him to do a number of illegal things,Wholesale Shoes Australia Online, to which he refused. After his refusal Rowe said that he was marked for death.The teen said that after he surrendered he was cautioned by a top official about what to say to the investigators.“They tell me what to say….because they don’t want people know what going on…but I can’t keep meh mouth shut cause I deh in jail punishing,” Rowe shouted. The magistrate informed Rowe, that during the next court appearance he could address the court about his plight.Magistrate Azeez remanded Rowe until his next court appearance on November 22. It was alleged that Rowe on August 5, at Plaisance Line Top, murdered Troy Collymore.Rowe was also accused of robbing Mark Hunte on May 16, 2010 of articles valuing $160,000.It was further alleged that Rowe on March 1, while armed with a gun he robbed Troy Collins,Bobby Doerr Jersey, of gold and diamond jewellery valuing $1.4M. And lastly Rowe was accused of damaging one mirror at the Brickdam Police Station on September 4.Rowe, with the help of social activist Mark Benschop, and members of the media surrendered to the police. Anthony Taylor, 24, and Collymore,Nike Just Do It Uomo, 35 both died from multiple gunshot wounds after bandits invaded the Datt’s Drug Store at Plaisance.The police had stated that Taylor, of Sussex Street, was identified as one of the gunmen. However they never stated who shot him.Questions were also asked whether Rowe might be linked to the Safraz Bar shooting incident last year.The source said Rowe’s name was mentioned. The police are still unable to link him to that murder.Armed gunmen invaded the Kitty nightspot and killed waitress, Kulmattie Singh, while seriously injuring Australian national Jason Montgomery,Wholesale Jerseys, and Ronald Dhanraj.Weeks later the police had linked the weapons used in that robbery/murder to the execution-style killing of Alberttown resident, Nicholas Hoyte.They said that a spent shell, which was recovered at the scene of the Hoyte shooting, matched another that was found at the Safraz Bar shooting.Hoyte was shot last January while he sat in his car. The police are yet to make any arrests in his murder.

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