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發表於 2017-1-28 17:11:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… to approach Asset Recovery Unit in pursuit of missing assets The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is crying foul over the government’s delay in handing over assets for the Leader of the Opposition’s office. The opposition party is now calling for an audit into the office to identify and recover listed assets.Opposition ChiefWhip Gail TexeiraThis line was taken by the party during its weekly press conference at Freedom House yesterday and comes against the backdrop of several forensic audits that were ordered into state agencies, as well as the establishment of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU), by the government.According to Opposition Chief Whip,Denis Savard Jersey, Gail Teixeira,Charlie Coyle Jersey, there has been a delay by the government in setting up the constitutional office for Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo.“The building that once housed the Office of the Opposition Leader is now reported to be an annex of the Ministry of the Presidency,Troy Brouwer Jersey,” she said. “Therefore the use of the Office of the Opposition is stymied, as we understand that the old office is now occupied by Presidential Advisors.”Teixeira noted that several items,Brandon Mashinter Jersey, including laptops, listed on the Parliamentary registry were not seen during the inspection of the old office on Hadfield Street,Seth Jones Team North America Jersey, Georgetown. That office was used by now President David Granger from 2012 to 2015. She added that when it was queried at the time, her party was told that 13 laptops were out in the “Regions”.A building on Church Street, Queenstown,Jonathan Toews Jersey, Georgetown,Patrick Kane Jersey, has already been identified for rental as the Office of the Opposition Leader. Teixeira alleged that the party informed Government that its trucks would arrive on October 5 to remove upholstery and equipment that was reconciled between the Parliament’s list and the previous Office of the Opposition.However,Brent Seabrook Jersey, they were reportedly told on Saturday that a move at the planned time would not be desirable.Though the Party had only earlier criticized the formation of the SARU,Graham Knott Jersey, Teixeira emphasized that she would approach the unit in order to ascertain the whereabouts of the assets.Asked whether the party would be averse to having new computers purchased, the Opposition Whip protested that it was a matter of principle.Noting that Jagdeo has refused the salary of Leader of the Opposition, Teixeira emphasized that purchasing new assets will only be a burden on the $10M budgeted for the Office.He is expected to lead the PPP once more when Parliament comes out of recess later this month.

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