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發表於 2019-4-30 17:45:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Barnes may be on the left side for a while.
The ninth-year veteran played almost exclusively at left tackle during four seasons with Jacksonville. He was tabbed to play there for the Raiders, too, when he signed with the team in 2009 but wound up getting moved to right tackle before the season began.
Veldheer might not return until sometime in October, and there is no timetable for when Watson might possibly return.
Matt McCants, a sixth-round draft pick of the New York Giants in 2012, is almost certain to be activated before Sunday's opener in Indianapolis just to add some depth to Oakland's makeshift line.
Pashos is simply trying to settle in after a whirlwind week after sitting out all of 2012 following ankle surgery. He'll be in Oakland's starting lineup, exactly one week after getting cut by the Washington Redskins.
Notes: QB Matt Flynn practiced without limitations and is listed as probable on the Raiders injury report. ... Rookie LB Sio Moore (foot) was limited. If he's ruled out,Cheap Hockey Jerseys China, veteran Kaluka Maiava will start. ... K Sebastian Janikowski was also limited but is expected to play Sunday. ... TE David Ausberry did not practice and has been ruled out.
Allen, who was tightlipped about injuries for most of the preseason, declined to discuss details of Watson's injury but wouldn't rule out possible surgery for the rookie offensive lineman either.
"You rely on your experience and other circumstances you've been in throughout your career," Pashos said. "I wouldn't call it a challenge as much as an adjustment for me."
"Hey listen,K?nken Ryggs?ck, it's a factor," Raiders coach Dennis Allen said Friday. "It is what it is, and you've got to move on. We expect the other guys on the team, the guys that are out there, (to) pull in some of the extra slack. That's what you have to do."
Khalif Barnes, the team's starter on the right side for the past three years, has been moved to the left after injuries sidelined Jared Veldheer and Menelik Watson. Tony Pashos will replace Barnes in the lineup, less than a week after being signed as insurance.

"I don't like to comment specifically on when guys will be available," Allen said. "As soon as he's rehabbed and ready to go, he'll be back up and ready to play. I'm not going to get into whether it's surgery, not surgery,Discount Jerseys, what the issues are. He wasn't able to practice. We'll go from there."
ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) — The season hasn't even begun yet for the Oakland Raiders and they're already scrambling to field a healthy pair of offensive tackles.
That necessitated Barnes switching sides,Byron Scott Jersey.
Barnes is actually the fourth left tackle the Raiders have had since the beginning of training camp.
"It's kind of like when you put your shoes on,Football Cheap Jerseys, and if you have a left-footed shoe and you put your right foot in it, you're like 'Something ain't right,Wholesale Shoes Canada,'" Barnes said. "Unfortunately, we've got two guys hurt. It's been a while but I'll get back on the bike and start riding again. There ain't no excuses."
Watson, the 44th overall pick in this year's draft, started at left tackle in Oakland's final preseason game but went down with a knee injury in practice earlier this week and has not returned.
With Veldheer likely to miss half the season with a torn left triceps and Watson facing possible knee surgery, the situation isn't likely to get better anytime soon.
Veldheer, Oakland's best offensive lineman, was injured early in camp and underwent surgery in mid-August. Alex Barron, a former first-round draft pick of the St. Louis Rams, was given the first crack at the job but failed to impress the coaching staff and was released by the team on Monday to clear room for Pashos.

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