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發表於 2019-4-30 23:35:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force has refuted claims that cash and other articles were stolen from Police Headquarters,Babe Ruth Jersey, Eve Leary.Speaking to the media at a press conference, yesterday, Police Commissioner confirmed that the Police Finance Office was indeed broken into but he said that nothing was stolen.Greene also dismissed reports that the Quartermaster Stores had been broken into.He was responding to an article published in yesterday’s edition of Kaieteur News.The article had stated that it was discovered that thieves had broken into the Police Finance Office and had made off with a significant amount of cash and cheques, and that thieves had also broken into the Police Quartermaster Stores at Eve Leary and had escaped with uniforms,WBC Jerseys, boots and about 100 police jerseys.But according to the police, the facts as reported in the article are incorrect.According to Greene,Zapatillas Nike Mujer Espa?a, the perpetrator(s) managed to gain entry into the building by removing an air conditioning unit and had also broken into the cashier’s cage.“The rank who went to work at the Finance Office, as he entered the door, saw the computer room door broken and noticed a hole at the back of the Finance Office. He raised an alarm,” the Police Commissioner said.According to Greene, two of the cashier cages were broken into but the perpetrators were unable to enter the safes that contained a small amount of cash.“Some padlocks appeared to be cut with nippers but they could still not get into the safes,Aaron Ness Jersey,” he said.The Commissioner said that from all appearances the perpetrators were aware that the police paid out pension on Friday.He said that generally,Miami Dolphins Jersey Clearance, the police do not deal with much cash transactions and even if the perpetrators had managed to enter the safe they would not have been able to get much.“All the pensions were paid out on Friday,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Throwback Jerseys, save and except perhaps just about $100,Stitched Carolina Panthers Jerseys,000 or thereabout. We do not keep any substantial sums of money in the police environment,” Greene explained.He disclosed that the ranks who were supposed to be on guard duty have all been placed under close arrest to facilitate a massive investigation.But while the Commissioner is insisting that there was no breakage at the Quartermaster Store, sources in the force remain adamant that a number of items are missing from the facility.Investigations into this matter are ongoing.

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