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發表於 2017-1-29 06:16:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Enid Joaquin Ovia Setra O’Selmo has the most beautiful and infectious smile- so whenever you encounter this vibrant young woman it’s impossible not to smile right back.Setra is a most extraordinary young woman,Wholesale China Jerseys, whose inspiring story of her indomitable courage should become the mantra of all those depressed persons, who think that life ‘just ain’t fair”.Though confined to a wheelchair, Setra is now living her dream as a qualified cosmetologist and is happy to be of service to other women despite her circumstances.Setra O’SelmoRecently her career as a makeup artist was given additional fillip, after she was given the opportunity to be the only local makeup artist at the prestigious Guyana Fashion Week.“I was so happy when I applied and Ms. Sonia Noel accepted me, it was like a dream come true,Yasser Corona Mexico Jersey, because I always wanted to be a part of the Guyana Fashion Week.”During the same period, she was also involved in the Linden Hair Expo, at the Egbert Benjamin Hall.For her, it was a double achievement. “I was in Georgetown for Fashion Weekend on Friday and Sunday, while I was at the Egbert Benjamin Hall on Saturday.”It was that Saturday, while at the Egbert Benjamin Hall,Customized Uruguay Jersey, that I got the opportunity to interview this remarkable young woman.Setra’s StorySetra was struck a devastating blow, six years ago after she suffered spinal cord injuries, as a result of a motor vehicle accident.Unable to walk, she locked herself away, refusing to go anywhere or do anything.But thanks to the magic of make up (cosmetics) she would emerge from her malaise a new and vibrant person- her old self, three years later.“After the accident I became so depressed that I locked myself away, refusing to go anywhere- I was miserable.But then one day, I took some make up,Cody Eakin Jersey, which I had tucked away, and I applied some to my face. Then I looked in the mirror, and I said to myself, wow, Setra, you are beautiful! And that was it, I decided there and then that I was going to burst out, and do something for myself-I was going to be independent,Boston Red Sox Dustin Pedroia Jersey, because I didn’t want anyone to pity me, because I was in a wheelchair.’And that is exactly what Setra did- ‘burst out’of her self imposed ‘prison’.Attending to a clientOne of the first things that she did was to become a student of the Excellent Touch Hair Salon and Cosmetology School.“I was very happy and most grateful, that the proprietor of Excellent Touch, Ms Fnita Small, took me in, even though I was in a wheelchair; and she even made some necessary adjustments to accommodate me.“After completing that course,Sergio Romo Giants Jersey, I later did another course with makeup artist Ms Sarah Balgobin in Georgetown. Ms Balgobin was also very supportive and really encouraged me.”Setra eventually established her own business, “Sisters to Sisters Beauty”, in Amelia’s Ward, Linden.She is most grateful to her family, especially her parents, for their unwavering support and unconditional love.She is also very grateful to her many clients for their support and patronage.Considering that she has to do everything from her wheelchair, Setra said the support and patronage she receives has been overwhelming.Being Rastafarian,Chris Chelios Jersey, Setra specializes in styling natural hair,Niklas Backstrom Jersey, but make up artistry is her passion.Her ultimate dream is to launch her own school of cosmetology.Judging from her drive,Claudio Bravo Chile Jersey, I would say that for this incredibly talented young woman, the sky is the limit- wheel chair or no wheel chair!

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