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發表於 2017-1-29 21:21:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Vehicles stalled as…Insult was added to injury yesterday when GUYOIL Service Stations churned out gasoline tainted with water to its customers. According to reports reaching this newspaper, early yesterday afternoon customers who purchased fuel for their motor vehicles at the GUYOIL service stations at Providence, East Bank Demerara and Sheriff Street,Nike Browns #55 Alex Mack Black 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, Georgetown, felt the brunt of their purchase mere minutes after.This newspaper was informed that more than 20 motorists discovered that water was a part of the content of their tanks following intense scrutiny of their vehicles.Disgruntled Guyoil customers with their affected vehicles at the Providence station.At the GUYOIL Providence Service Station,Jon Lester Cubs Jersey, which this newspaper visited yesterday, there were several disgruntled customers whose cars had broken down even before they could have driven off after filling up. When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene some affected cars were already towed away.Clifton Douglas, one of the customers at the Providence Station told Kaieteur News that he has been purchasing gasoline for his vehicle for quite some time there and no such incident has ever occurred.“The supervisor says that they will stand the expenses when we spoke to him but he said that we need to leave the cars here because the mechanic can’t come until Monday (today),Detroit Tigers Justin Upton Jersey,” Douglas added.According to reports, a similar development was evident at the Sheriff Street Service Station.A source associated with the oil company told this newspaper yesterday that the problem may have developed due to a decision to “suck” fuel from the depleted fuel tanks at the Providence Terminal located behind the Providence Service Station. The Terminal has been without consumable gasoline and dieseline for almost one week and therefore the company was forced to procure fuel from both the Sol Guyana Inc. and Texaco Terminals.However, in order to fuel its own service stations yesterday,Joe Carter Indians Jersey, this newspaper was told that instructions may have passed from management to “suck” fuel from the depleted tanks. The source told this newspaper that due to the depleted level of the tank, the water concentration in it would have been significant,Kyrie Irving Team USA Jersey, resulting in the tainted fuel being made available to the service stations and by extension to customers.This newspaper reported in its Sunday’s Edition that GUYOIL last received a modest supply of fuel about two weeks ago. Early last week, fuel levels of gasoline and dieseline became exhausted, prompting the management of the fuel entity to replenish its stock with purchases from the other Terminals.It was related that the situation was not caused by a delay in the arrival of a fuel vessel but rather due to the rehabilitation of the terminal’s jetty,New York Mets Mike Piazza Jersey, a process which according to reports could have affected the offloading of fuel had it arrived during the works.According to a source close to the operation of the terminal,Ryan Murray Team North America Jersey, management was aware of the need for the repairs to the jetty,Cristhian Stuani Uruguay Jersey, thus could have procured extra fuel at the last purchase but did not.However, this newspaper has learnt that a fuel vessel was scheduled to arrive in Guyana today to offset the current challenge. However, this newspaper was informed yesterday that if the vessel does not arrive today it should be here before the end of the week.GUYOIL is known to sell fuel at a lesser cost when compared to the other fuel companies,Darcy Kuemper Jersey, thus has attracted many customers over the years.

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