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Aron Baynes Jersey "If he can get on the practice field









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發表於 2019-5-18 17:44:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Calvin wasn't the reason we didn't have any turnovers on defense."

Schwartz didn't say much to update the condition of Johnson's knee, but said the injury is not related to a knee problem that limited Johnson's play during training camp and the preseason.
Johnson, who set the league record for yardage in a season last year, had 21 catches for 213 yards and four touchdowns in Detroit's first four games.
The Lions play Sunday at Cleveland,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China.
Notes: The Lions said they are investigating center Dominic Raiola's alleged behavior toward members of the University of Wisconsin marching band. Some members claimed the 13-year veteran was verbally abusive before and during Sunday's game. "I'd be surprised if that happened in those circumstances,Cheap Jerseys," said Schwartz, who said he did not see it happen. "If it did happen, we'd be very disappointed in that kind of behavior." ... Schwartz did not have an update on right tackle Jason Fox, who left Sunday's game with a knee injury. Backup running back Theo Riddick was taken to a hospital in Green Bay after leaving the game with concussion-like symptoms,Cheap Air Max 720 Free Shipping, but a CT scan showed no abnormalities.
With Johnson out with a knee injury, Green Bay focused on running back Reggie Bush, who finished with just 69 all-purpose yards a week after piling up 173 in a victory over Chicago.
"We didn't get the job done," he said Monday. "It wasn't because Calvin didn't play in the game. There were a lot of other times we could've executed a little better.
Bush said the offense knew Johnson was going to be a game-time decision throughout last week — he injured a knee during the win over Chicago — and didn't think it made a difference,Football jerseys cheap.
Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford also was sacked five times; he'd only been sacked three in the team's first four games.
"This one's on the offense,A.J. Klein Jersey," he said after the loss. "We'll take this one on our shoulders.
"If he can get on the practice field, great; if not, we'll wait 'till the next day."
"We took a lot of negative plays and when we've played well on offense we haven't had those negative plays," Schwartz said. "All of those put us in some tough situations."
He joined fellow receiver Nate Burleson on the sideline during Sunday's game.
"We had too many three-and-outs today and we're better than that."
"We'll just see how it comes," the coach said. "We've been through that before with him. He set an NFL record last year and he had very limited practice time for a very significant portion of that.
Coach Jim Schwartz said there was a lot more to the loss — the Lions' first against an NFC North opponent this season — than the missing superstar.
ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) — The Detroit Lions didn't have All-Pro receiver Calvin Johnson for Sunday's 22-9 loss at Green Bay and they didn't play like a team that ranks in the top 10 in yards from scrimmage.
For now, the team will be taking a wait-and-see approach.
Burleson broke his arm in an automobile crash after the Lions' third game,Andy Lee Jersey, but has not been placed on injured reserve. Tight ends Brandon Pettigrew and Tony Scheffler each had four catches to lead Detroit.

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