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Football Cheap Jerseys S John Wendling









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發表於 2019-5-23 22:44:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two of those decisions are at right tackle and right guard.
"He's a really good player. Corey's a heck of a player," Fox said. "They've obviously showed a lot of faith in him and he's been in the league a long time. He's playing some really good football right now."
"We'll keep that to ourselves," Schwartz said. "All those guys are competing and they're all doing well. We'll have very good options at that position."
"I think there's still possibilities there but it's coming into focus," Lions coach Jim Schwartz said Monday. "It's coming into focus over the course of training camp. There could still be something that could change our minds. It's important to finish strong, finish the way we started. All our positions are starting to come into a little focus but none of them are cemented yet."
In his career, Fox has played in five games with no starts. Hilliard has played in 37 games with five starts.
ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) — The fourth and final preseason game is just a few days away, yet the Detroit Lions still have some important decisions to make.
Fox is currently listed on the first team on the Lions' unofficial depth chart,Air Force Scontate, but he knows that's no guarantee of anything. But he does feel confident in his performance to date and he is focused on Thursday's game in Buffalo.
Since Fox,Cheap Wholesale Nike Sb Shoes, the Lions' fourth-round pick in the 2010 draft, started the last two games, perhaps the Lions are leaning his way for the starter's job?
Notes: Among the players who did not practice Monday were DE Ziggy Ansah,Cheap Rams Jerseys, DT Ndamukong Suh, WR Calvin Johnson,Wholesale Jerseys For Sale, WR Ryan Broyles, G Leroy Harris, S Louis Delmas,Wholesale Jerseys China, S John Wendling, TE Michael Williams, RB Montell Owens and P Sam Martin. Schwartz declined to give any details about injuries, including Ansah,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, who collided with Harris on Saturday and may have a concussion. ... LB Chris White, acquired in a trade from the Buffalo Bills in exchange for quarterback Thaddeus Lewis, practiced for the first time with his new team Monday.
"They haven't said anything to us," Fox said. "It's still preseason in my mind. All I can control is me. I've got to play to the best of my abilities in the game Thursday and it'll sort out how it sorts out."
"Preseason's not over and this game's another opportunity to get better and show who I am,' Fox said.
As for Fox, he said he doesn't have a clue.
In the first preseason game, Dylan Gandy started at right guard and Corey Hilliard at right tackle. In the second game Jake Scott started at right guard and Jason Fox at right tackle.  Last Thursday in the third game, rookie Larry Warford started at right guard and Fox again started at right tackle.

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