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China Jerseys of Pulaski









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發表於 2019-6-19 04:29:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The bridge, which opened in 1981, was last inspected in 2012, Rudat said. It's named for Leo Frigo, a former cheese company president who founded a food pantry for the poor in Green Bay.
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin transportation officials are trying figure out why a concrete support pier for a highway bridge unexpectedly sank about 2 feet, causing a deep dip in the pavement and leading authorities to shutter the span.
The bridge closure is not expected to affect most fans coming to Green Bay Packers football games because most take other roads to Lambeau Field, DOT spokesman Kim Rudat said. But, he added, "Anyone who's been in Green Bay on Packer day knows it's slow going, and they've got to plan their route."
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — In a story Sept. 26 about the Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge closure in Wisconsin, The Associated Press reported erroneously that there is a Green Bay Packers game on Sunday. There is not. The Packers play next on Oct. 6.
Lori Wescott,Antonio Brown Jersey, of Green Bay, said her morning commute took an additional five to 10 minutes with the detour. On Wednesday, she was just about to get onto the bridge when a police officer pulled her over and told her to take another way to work.
The pier settled unevenly,Stitched Arizona Cardinals Jerseys, with one side dipping 22 inches and the other settling about 27 inches. The dip in the pavement stretches across the width of the bridge,Hydro Flask Barn, but does not appear to have affected other areas,Bengals Shirts On Sale, said Bill Dreher, a DOT engineer and structures design chief. Engineers have been measuring the pier and those close to it every few hours with a laser to make sure there's no more movement.
"We want to make sure it's stable first, and then we'll decide what we can to do get in there and check it out," Dreher said.
Rudat said the sag in the pavement appears to have developed over a few hours. State and federal investigators are still looking into what caused it,Cheap Hockey Jerseys From China.
"I was just lucky I didn't leave too early," Jerry Baranczyk told WLUK-TV. "I would have been going across it about the time they shut down."
The Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge was closed about 5 a.m. Wednesday after a long,Cheap Football Jerseys, deep dip was discovered in the pavement. The shutdown snarled traffic in Green Bay, where the bridge carries about 40,000 cars a day over the Fox River on Interstate 43.
2-foot sag in pavement closes Wisconsin bridge
Conditions quickly eased, however, as drivers were directed to other routes. Randy Asman, a Wisconsin Department of Transportation traffic engineer, said drivers were rerouted around the city or to the city's Main Street bridge and the morning commute went smoothly along those detours. Still, he said, drivers should give themselves a little extra time.
A corrected version of the story is below:
"After knowing what happened, I got really scared," she told the television station.
Wisconsin officials close major bridge after pier settles, causing 2-foot sag in pavement
Jerry Baranczyk, of Pulaski, said he left 10 to 15 minutes early to get to his job with Procter & Gamble, but he was glad he hadn't done that on Wednesday.

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