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發表於 2017-1-31 15:16:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A now ex-police lance corporal was yesterday refused bail when he made a court appearance after it was alleged that he attempted to rape a teenage girl.It was also alleged that he indecently assaulted the same individual. He was dismissed last Friday after the allegations were made against him.Lennox King, 36,Chris Heisey Nationals Jersey, who was a member of the Guyana Police Force for 13 years,Nicolas Castillo Chile Jersey, was yesterday refused bail after appearing before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson to answer to two charges – attempted rape and indecent assault.It is alleged that on November 22 on Church Street,Angelo Henriquez Chile Jersey, Georgetown,Jake Allen Jersey, he attempted to rape a 16-year-old Brazilian National.It is also alleged that on November 6 at Police Communications Office,Mauricio Pinilla Chile Jersey, Eve Leary,Matt Cain Giants Jersey, he indecently assaulted the said Brazilian National. King who was represented by attorney at law Patrice Henry pleaded not guilty to the charges.The lawyer applied for bail of a small sum for his client and stated his reason as being that his client’s dismissal has caused him to suffer financial difficulties.He added that the least the court could do was to grant his client bail.He assured the magistrate that his client would return to defend his good name since he has been co-operating with the police. Henry added that his client was placed on station bail.However,Michael Jordan Wizards Jersey, police prosecutor Stephen Telford objected to bail for the accused and stated that King misused his power as a policeman.According to the facts of the prosecution,Manny Ramirez Indians Jersey, the accused on November 6 contacted the young lady and they met. He then allegedly took her to a building on Church Street where he ordered her to take off her clothes and inserted his finger into her vagina.The prosecutor added that on November 22 at the Police Communications Office,Lonnie Chisenhall Indians Jersey, King attempted to rape the young lady.Telford said that the accused was a friend of the victim and opined that evidently he took things for granted due to that friendship. Telford added that the matter was already sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice and the prosecution is vigorously ready to deal with the matter when it goes to trial.Bail was refused. King is expected to return to court today.

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