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The privately operated water distribution industry is one that was “unnecessarily allowed to be proliferated.”  This state of affairs has been directly linked to the fact that the water produced by the State, in some cases, is not recognised as safe.This is according to Director of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department (GAFDD), Mr. Marlan Cole. He has said that some of the water made available to the public by the State is suspected to be very unsafe.But there is an explanation for this. Cole divulged that while in many cases the water produced by the State is safe from the point of production when it enters the distribution system it has been known to become unsafe. This is due to the fact, he added,Niklas Kronwall Red Wings Jersey, that the distribution system is not a 24-hour supply system. This, in essence, means that “when the pressure gets low in this distribution system, precipitates from outside of the pipes can get into cracks and holes and cause the water supplied to become unsafe.”This has been the suspicion in many Regions,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, according to Cole. The resulting outcome is that citizens opt to put their confidence in the privately operated water distribution industry.But this may not always be the better option, Cole said.In many cases the operatives in the private water distribution industry do not provide water that is safe for consumption as the water treatment process many not always be ideal, he added.“Their water is not always as safe as it is perceived to be…so we have been trying to monitor it and ensure that even before they get a licence to operate they have to undergo a course with EMPRETEC so that they can know the system properly,Teemu Pulkkinen Red Wings Jersey,” Cole disclosed.EMPRETEC Guyana is a non–profit institution with a mission to enhance private sector development by providing support to established,Valtteri Filppula Lightning Jersey, and emerging small and medium enterprises (SMEs).But limited manpower has been a major shortcoming for the Food and Drug Department. This therefore means that far too many unauthorised water distribution facilities operate undetected.“We have nevertheless been trying to monitor as far as we can but we have our limitations,Bryan Trottier Penguins Jersey,” said Cole who noted that while tackling this challenge is an “uphill task” it is definitely doable.In order to boost its monitoring efforts,Chris Chelios Red Wings Jersey, the Food and Drug Department has been gaining much needed support from the Ministry of Public Health and the Pan American Health Organisation,Jonas Gustavsson Red Wings Jersey, according to Cole.At a sensitisation forum last year Cole had threatened that the absence of a certified operator on any water processing site could see the Food and Drug Department taking legal action.He’d disclosed that “failure to comply with the Department’s rules and processing requirements will result in legal action against defaulting establishments.”Without an operator in place, Cole said that water processing/distribution establishments will be denied operating licences.The Department had last year convened a workshop with water distributors and processors in order to highlight the requirements for such businesses, including the employment of a certified water processing operator, by June 30,Jarred Tinordi Canadiens Jersey, 2014.But the Food and Drug Department has not been able to make good on its legal action threat. This is in light of the fact that Cole,Jason Chimera Capitals Jersey, the Director of the Food and Drug Department, is currently the lone prosecutor within the organisation’s employ.With him being tasked with other major responsibilities it has been impossible to prosecute illegal water distribution operators who have been increasing by the day.“Currently only myself is a trained prosecutor but all of our inspectors are supposed to go through the prosecution course. We have new inspectors who are not yet trained but we hope to have them trained by next year,” confided Cole.It is his belief that next year, “our people will be out there finding people who have all sorts of violations.”Aside from the illegal water distributors, Cole is hopeful that among the violations targeted will be deceptive labelling or unlabelled products as well as the deliberate sale of expired goods and the preparation of foods in unsanitary conditions, among others.

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