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– Immigration checks suggest former B.K employee still in GuyanaBy Michael JordanPolice searched a septic tank at the home of Barbita Sarjou’s husband and also checked his house and two others for traces of the 28-year-old B.K International employee who vanished under mysterious circumstances over a month ago.The husband was also questioned but police found no evidence to link him to his estranged wife’s disappearance.A police official made these revelations yesterday in response to claims by the missing woman’s relatives that investigators are not doing enough to locate her.“We searched three houses,David Ortiz Red Sox Jersey, we searched a septic tank…we checked Immigration records which show that she is still in the country,Jonas Gustavsson Red Wings Jersey,” the official told Kaieteur News.And the official also confirmed that police had questioned two men from East Bank Demerara after a relative of Barbita’s revealed that she has received several calls from a man who claims that he knows of the missing woman’s whereabouts.“We went beyond the norm to interview them,” the official said,Baltimore Orioles Chris Davis Jersey, adding that investigators were following every lead that has been provided to them.A sister of the missing woman told Kaieteur News on Sunday that the calls began about three weeks ago.She said that the most recent call was made on Saturday night.According to the sister, the caller appears to believe that she is Barbita’s mother. She said that the man claimed that his name is ‘Ricky’, and said that he owns two minibuses which operate on East Bank Demerara.She alleged that the caller would describe himself as her “son-in-law.” However,Allen Iverson Team USA Jersey, the sister said that the caller would make excuses whenever she asked to speak with Barbita.The sister claimed that about a week ago, the man suggested that she meet him near the Diamond New Scheme Access Road,Texas Rangers Rougned Odor Jersey, so that he could take her to the house where Barbita was staying.However,Gustav Nyquist Red Wings Jersey, the man never showed up.She told Kaieteur News that she went to the Brickdam Police Station and provided the police with the information about ‘Ricky.’ She said she also provided the police with the caller’s mobile phone number.According to her, police ranks then arrested two brothers who operate minibuses in Diamond. She alleged that the brothers first told the detectives that ‘Ricky’ was out of the country but later denied knowing anyone by that name.They were subsequently released.She said that the mystery caller subsequently contacted her on Saturday night from a different mobile phone.The sister expressed the fear that her sister is the victim of foul play and that the persons responsible for her fate were taunting the family.Her mother,San Francisco Giants Matt Williams Jersey, Champa Seonarine, is convinced that the caller can assist the police with their investigations.“This is telling me that the caller has information about her whereabouts,Maury Wills Dodgers Jersey,” she said yesterday.“I hope that the police would question the people (who were detained) again and find out who is ‘Ricky.’“I hope that she is alive somewhere. I hope that the public would help me to locate her.”She said that her daughter has a case in court concerning allegations regarding the posting up of nude photos of Barbita at her workplace. She was due to return to court on November 23.That case has been postponed to December 23.Barbita, who is employed at B.K’s International, disappeared on November 4 after leaving her mother’s home.Ms. Champa Seonarine said that Barbita had informed relatives that she was going to watch the Diwali motorcade after leaving work.Ms. Seonarine said that Barbita had planned to return home by 21:00 hrs,Neil Walker Mets Jersey, but never did. Family members attempted to contact her on her two mobile phones but they appeared to have been turned off.The woman said that she has not seen or heard from her daughter since.

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