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發表於 2017-2-4 02:57:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Following the brutal killing of Natasha Vieira, who was murdered at the Psychiatric Ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation in August,Marc Bartra Jersey, an investigation was launched by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the GPHC, in order to determine exactly what took place at the ward when Vieira was killed.Dr Leslie RamsammyHowever, although the investigation was completed a week after the incident,Blank Chile Jersey, the results are yet to be released.Kaieteur News understands that the findings of the investigation are with Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, who has since confirmed this.He, however, told this newspaper that he has not gotten a chance to peruse the documents.Kaieteur News was told that Minister Ramsammy has been in possession of the results even before the commencement of CARIFESTA X,Carlos Carmona Chile Jersey, but due to the many activities that were planned during Guyana’s hosting of the event, the minister was unable to pronounce on the findings.However, CARIFESTA X has come to an end, and to date nothing has been released about the results from the investigation.When the incident had occurred, Minister Ramsammy had told members of the media that he has received reports that the nurses who were on duty during the time that Natasha Vieira was killed were sleeping.He had noted that an investigation was launched in order to verify where the nurses were, and what they were doing at the time that Vieira was killed.Minister Ramsammy had indicated that the report that the nurses were sleeping was not impossible to believe.“There is not any evidence to say that it is not possible. It is a story that I can believe. Particularly in wards like the psychiatric one, which is unlike medical wards that have people with certain kinds of illnesses,Johnny Herrera Jersey, who have to be monitored constantly,Adrian Ortola Barcelona Jersey, and wards like the psychiatric,Eugenio Mena Jersey, the minute-to-minute monitoring is not as vigorous. They are not supposed to be sleeping, but I would not find that as an impossible story to believe,Dani Alves Jersey,” Minister Ramsammy had said.He had noted that if the investigation does indeed reveal that the nurses were sleeping, they would be fired.At present, it is still not known who killed Vieira,Marc-Andre Ter Stegen Jersey, as there are reports that several of the patients have taken responsibility for the killing.Ramsammy had cited that these patients are mentally challenged, therefore it is hard to conclude who actually committed the gruesome act.Reports had indicated that Natasha Vieira was strangled with a piece of cloth by another patient of the Psychiatric Ward, after the same woman had beaten her. Another patient of the ward brought the incident to the nurses’ attention, but  apparently no action was taken by the nurses.Sources had revealed to this newspaper that Vieira was strangled on her bed, dragged into the bathroom and left under the shower for almost half an hour. Another patient went to the bathroom and turned off the shower.At that point,Thomas Vermaelen Jersey, the woman who strangled Vieira went back to the bathroom and dragged Vieira back to her bed.

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