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Antti Niemi Jersey mlqokbyg









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發表於 2017-2-4 05:42:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A survey done in 2007 had found that many water treatment companies were not producing high quality water,Melker Hallberg Sweden Jersey, according to Food and Drug Director,Mauricio Isla Chile Jersey, Marilyn Collins.At a recently held seminar,Martin Silva Uruguay Jersey, the department incorporated the help of Pentair Corporation USA,Uruguay Jersey, which specializes in water and air treatment. The seminar was aimed at giving the owners of the processing plants a better understanding of what is expected on their behalf.The Food and Drug Department subsequently met with the owners who in turn voiced their concerns.Ms Collins said that in Georgetown alone there are about 20 water processing agents,Paul Aguilar Mexico Jersey, some of whom have agencies that are licensed. She said that before a company can get licensed,Adrian Aldrete Mexico Jersey, the inspectors would conduct an inspection of the plant. The licensing process is done annually.During the seminar the department visited three treatment plants of varying degrees of operation.Speaking with Kaieteur News, Ms Collins told this newspaper that during the visit the department found that there were some irregularities at these water treatment plants.She further noted that consumers depend upon the authorities and they need to ensure the safety of the water that consumers receive.  Ms Collins said that if at anytime in the future her department inspects a processing plant and finds irregularities,Alvaro Gonzalez Uruguay Jersey, it would publish the names of such places and take the necessary actions against the company.These actions would include the company ceasing operations until it has corrected the faults.Collins said that there are three health officers who manage with the little that they have,Juan Carlos Medina Mexico Jersey, inspect all food operations,Emir Kujovic Sweden Jersey, and be at all ports of entries which is not easy.Ms. Collins said that the Food and Drug Department continues to ensure that the public is kept aware of what is taking place.

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