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發表於 2017-2-6 07:44:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The iconic Stabroek Market Clock is set to soon receive US$ 41,000 rehabilitation. This is as a result of an agreement with the United States Embassy and the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC).The Council made the official announcement during a meeting with US Ambassador Perry Holloway at City Hall on Monday.Mayor of Georgetown,Edinson Cavani Uruguay Jersey, Patricia Chase-Green said with the help of the US Embassy the clock which was once mechanically powered will now be electrically powered with the use of solar energy.“It is in keeping with our President’s vision of a green economy and safeguarding our environment.”Chase -Green noted that many Guyanese can recall the days in which the clock would chime to notify commuters of every passing hour.“I know that many Guyanese are looking forward to having that feature of the Stabroek Market in working order once more,” she added.The Mayor therefore expressed gratitude to Ambassador Holloway and the United States Government for the significant and timely donation.  Meanwhile,Jesus Duenas Mexico Jersey, Ambassador Holloway noted that the venture is as a result of a proposal made to the United States Government for assistance to repair the iconic Stabroek Clock.He noted that officials of the embassy have been working closely with the Town Council to develop a proposal for Washington.“Through that proposal we received US$41,Candido Ramirez Mexico Jersey,000.“We now have 100 percent formal approval to begin our joint effort with the Town Council.”Ambassador Halloway noted that he is pleased to be a part of preserving the Stabroek Clock,Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey, which is a great symbol of Guyana’s people and history.“We are pleased to be playing a role in getting it to work again.” He said it is also important given that it’s Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary and it also makes 50 years of diplomatic relations with Guyana and the United States.Speaking about his admiration for the structure,Emir Kujovic Sweden Jersey, Ambassador Holloway concluded that the view from the top of the Stabroek clock tower is nothing short of spectacular.The US Ambassador also suggested that it would be a good idea to have the area open to locals and tourists for a nominal fee. Holloway said that after seeing the city from various vantage points, he is convinced that Stabroek Market has the best view.The City Engineers are hoping to complete the work on the clock before the start of the New Year.According to information on Wikipedia the Stabroek Market was designed and constructed by the Edgemoor Iron Company of Delaware,Enrique Esqueda Mexico Jersey, USA over the period 1880-1881. Construction of the iron and steel structure was completed in 1881 and may be the oldest structure still in use in the city.Designed by an American engineer,Alexander Fransson Sweden Jersey, Nathaniel McKay, this market houses a wide variety of items for sale. The market covers an area of about 80,Marcus Rohden Sweden Jersey,000 square feet (7,000 m2).Though the architectural style is elusive,Martin Campana Uruguay Jersey, the iron structure and the prominent clock tower are reminiscent of the Victorian era of Great Britain.

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