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發表於 2017-2-8 12:21:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(By Alex Wayne)It has been three years since the great pioneer of the contracting profession, Mr. Mohamed Ally Ramjohn,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, (Mr. Buck Ramjohn) departed this world.Mr. Ramjohn, at the age of 17, joined the Royal Air Force during the Secnd World War.After the war, he returned home to Springlands to become one of the greatest contractors that ever graced Guyana.His first acquirement was that of the present-day “Ramjohn Square” in Corriverton,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, of about 134 lots that he developed in the 1950’s.He was contracted to build many roads throughout Guyana; and many still remain in excellent condition in Tain Settlement, Berbice and in Georgetown.He also aided in constructing Masjids, and other Muslim facilities in Berbice, even digging into his pockets to help the project along.One of the noteworthy projects of his brilliant mind is the Starlite Drive-in facility located at Montrose,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, East Coast Demerara. He first conceptualized the idea on a visit to England and then returned to build the now famous icon.Among the many buildings and housing schemes that were built or owned by this amazingly skilled Guyanese citizen were also several hotels. The German Hotel on Robb Street was originally built for his wife, Raffeena, as a wedding gift,NFL Jerseys Outlet, and the present day German Hotel in Tiger Bay,Nike NFL Jerseys China, an original structure was also built in her name.The woman owned both until the early 2000’s. The famous Mahogany Hotel in Corriverton was also this prodigy’s handiwork,Discount NFL Jerseys, as was Embassy Hotel in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, and Socialist Hotel at Number 79 Village.Mr. Buck Ramjohn was the exclusive supplier of poles for electricity to Guyana’s power supply.He also became one of the main sand and stone suppliers to other contractors, and added to his list of assets were several sawmills and boats.One of Mr. Ramjohn’s traits was that he never turned anyone away empty-handed. He helped many students, some of whom he did not even know, to completing their studies in Guyana and overseas.He believed the more you acquired in the form of wealth, the more you should give back unselfishly.Mr. Ramjohn was friendly with Guyana’s leading presidents and prime ministers of all parties. He came remotely close to being involved in politics in 1964, when he broke the national strike by bringing rice from Trinidad to Guyana, a courageous if not dangerous act.The Ramjohn legacy is being continued in the form of Ramjohn Enterprise Development Inc. spearheaded by his widow, Mrs. Raffeena Ramjohn. Mohamed Ramjohn’s was most popular for his favourite quote: “Never kick a man when he is down, you will never know who he will rise up to be”

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