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A batch of trainee teachers was asked to pay $38,000 for netbooks they received, the Education Minister has clarified.Parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon said,Detroit Tigers Mark Lowe Jersey, she believed that the teachers would be entitled to free netbooks as part of an arrangement under the One Laptop Per Family programme.However, Education Minister Priya Manickchand has pointed out that a batch of students of the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) in 2011 paid $38,000 for netbook computers as per an agreement between the Government of Guyana and the World Bank.The netbooks were handed out under an arrangement between the World Bank and the Guyana Government under the Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project (GITEP). The project is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of quality teacher education.Minister Manickchand quoted page 25 of the project’s operational manual which states, that the cost will be shared for the procurement of the netbooks for the first year by- Distance Education (DE) students and DE tutors and lecturers at CPCE and the University of Guyana.Tota Mangar,St. Louis Cardinals Mike Shannon Jersey, head of GITEP,St. Louis Cardinals Randal Grichuk Jersey, explained that under the arrangements with the World Bank,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, the teachers had to pay half of the cost of the netbooks.Minister Manickchand said that in September 2011, upon payment of the agreed sum of $38,Boston Red Sox Christian Vazquez Jersey,000, students who entered the college received their netbooks; while staff members paid $40,Toronto Blue Jays Devon Travis Jersey,000.Additionally, Government made available netbooks for the 2010-2012 batch of students who graduated from the Associate Degree in Education (ADE) programme. In this regard, a total of 219 netbooks were provided free of cost, she stated.Thus far,Boston Red Sox Steven Wright Jersey, 165 teachers have uplifted their netbooks. The two remaining centers in Georgetown and Linden,New York Mets Tug McGraw Jersey, which are slated to receive 11 and 43 respectively,New York Mets Steven Matz Jersey, have been notified but to date, have not collected theirs.

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