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Authorities have announced an intensification of inspections on forestry and sawmill operations to ensure compliance with regulations.Yesterday,Cheap Green Bay Packers Jerseys, the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), the country’s regulator for forestry activities,Cheap France Soccer Jerseys, also warned that its staffers will come under increased scrutiny and anyone found negligent in their duties or engaged in questionable practices and collusions with stakeholders will face strong disciplinary actions and even prosecution.This latest announcement by the GFC comes at a time when the industry is considering new measures to be included in an updated Code of Practice that is expected to become effective from 2011.Already,Cheap Jerseys, stakeholders are considering a draft Code of Practice to monitor the nibbi and manicole industry,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, one of the value-added activities of the forestry industry.Guyana currently has over 300 concessions and an estimated 100 sawmills in operations.“The monitoring activities will be done at the concession level, at sawmills and lumber yards, at the level of exporters and other timber dealers. The GFC is publicly advising all stakeholders to ensure full compliance with the GFC’s guidelines and policies,” the Commission disclosed in a statement yesterday.The body explained that the measures are intended to make the sector more robust,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, transparent and compliant and said it is prepared to facilitate discussions and training with any stakeholders on any aspects of its regulations.In the past,Cheap Houston Texans Jerseys, GFC had been faced with a number of logging breaches with a $300m fine handed down to a number of companies a few years ago.In addition to log tracking system capable of even pinpointing which tree stump a particular log came from,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, several measures have been implemented to prevent illegal logging.The increased monitoring also comes in the wake of Guyana’s move to adopt the Low Carbon Development Forest, which among other things, call for more monitoring of the country’s forests to ensure that the activities are done in a sustainable manner.

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