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Introduces product to enable rice farmers to utilise salt water in farmingIn wake of the drought facing Guyana,James Patrick Rangers Jersey, particularly the rice Industry, Health 2000 (H2k) has released a cutting edge solution called “Aquachil” which will enable rice farmers to utilise salt water for their crops.The product converts inorganic salts in to organic salts for better utilization and improves oxygen availability for better mineralisation.It was also revealed that the product enhances bio-availability of nutrition and improves microbial population and profile in soil for reduced requirement of nutrition.During a pilot project executed last week in the Little Biaboo area,Braden Holtby Capitals Jersey, Mahaica, farmers reported that there were positive changes in the plants. They are optimistic that Aquachil will be the go-to product if the drought persists.Agriculture Manager of H2k, Christopher Persaud, revealed that the company is set to revolutionise the agriculture sector.He pointed out that currently farming practices are primarily poorly informed, based on traditional practices, labour intensive which often results in “medium” quality produce that are seasonally grown.“I am working hard to bring Guyanese agriculture to the 21st Century. I would appreciate support from like-minded persons that can support with ideas, practical involvement and supply or purchase of quality products.”Persaud stated that the experiment saw 300 ml of Aquachil being sprayed onto the water surface of one of the fields which contained salt water that measured 1500 particles per million (ppm) – approximately double the ppm recommended by the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB).He pointed out that one week after,Valtteri Filppula Lightning Jersey, the fields were inspected and it exhibited the same signs – in terms of size and colour – as with the other fields that had a lower ppm and no Aquachil.One of the farmers, Shamshundar Ramroop, who provided a feedback after the product was implemented on his crop,Mark Messier Rangers Jersey, stated that because of the shortage of water, there was no choice other than to pump the salt water into the fields.Anticipating the damage to come, he quickly implemented the product into his fields and what he got, he said,Alex Ovechkin Capitals Jersey, were “good results”.“…We used it in the fields and we see good results. The plants had no changes; no burning,” Ramroop said.Ramroop also pointed out that the process being undertaken by the Mahaica/Mahaicony Abary-Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) to pump the water out of the Kasharaboo Creek and into the Biaboo canal was a slow one hence,Matt Niskanen Capitals Jersey, many farmers were forced to pump the salt water into their fields.Another contributor which also forced some farmers to utilise the salt water was the competition going on in the back dams by farmers to acquire whatever “suitable” water was available.Therefore,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, the product was seen as beneficial to persons who have, or are planning to utilise the salt water for their agricultural purposes.Persaud also indicated that apart from the water treatment product, H2k also has a range of other products that will aid in drought related issues.One of these products he highlighted was the “Inno-Care”,Nick Bonino Penguins Jersey, a product designed to enhance root growth in harsh environments.It was revealed that the product is based on Natural Power Balanced (NPB) technology, combined advanced microbiology, new insights in soil chemistry and the accumulated wisdom of traditional farming practices which has been proven to improve crop yields and farm profitability while reducing or altogether eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.Several countries in the Caribbean including Jamaica, have endorsed the H2K’s line of organic stimulants. In Jamaica,Dylan Larkin Red Wings Jersey, the products were highly lauded by the government and were cited to be beneficial in the effort to boost soil health and crop productivity.

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