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發表於 2017-2-12 16:07:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as Ramotar concedes more needs to be done to comply with AG reportsGeneral Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Donald Ramotar,Cheap NFL Wholesale Jerseys, concedes that the government needs to do a lot more to comply with the laws of Guyana. Some of the shortcomings have been pointed out each year by the Auditor General of Guyana.Ramotar was speaking at an end of year press briefing. He said also that whilst the yearly reports by Transparency International are blown out of proportion the administration has to come up with new strategies and tactics to deal with corruption. “We know that we have corruption.”Ramotar noted that while the systems to stave off corruption are effective it does not cater for events such as collaboration.He said that his party is not supportive of corruption hence the introduction of public tendering whilst also expressing his disappointment with the non establishment of the Public Procurement Commission.When asked when the government will comply with the rule of law that it preaches in light of the Auditor General’s reports,Cheap Jerseys From China, Ramotar said that “some of the procedures needs cleaning up.”The team that prepares the reports for Transparency International must be small and very selective given the fact that as party General Secretary he is not even aware when they are in Guyana.The PPP General Secretary,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, who insists that reports of corruption in Guyana are blown out of proportion, drew reference to the recent BBC Hard Talk interview with Head of State President Bharrat Jagdeo.Ramotar said that when the BBC interviews leaders of Third World countries corruption is a topic that is always present but that was not the case with the interview with Jagdeo.According to Ramotar that was suggestive of the fact that the British interviewers did not believe that corruption was a major problem in Guyana.“If some of that (prevention measures) is being subverted, we have to deal with that… the PPP tries to establish systems to ensure that we minimise corruption.”Ramotar was adamant that his party “does not benefit from corrupt money or any money that contractors benefit from.”

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