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Assistant Commissioner Gavin Ian Primo On Old Year’s Day, Gavin Ian Primo, who had been holding the rank of Senior Superintendent of Police, was promoted, along with five of his colleagues, to the rank of Assistant Commissioner.This newspaper caught up with Assistant Commissioner Primo, who was more than willing to share a little of his 32 years of being a police.Assistant Commissioner of Police Gavin Ian Primo Being the son of a policeman, Primo said, he would consider himself a true bred Guyanese, having lived in Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo. He attended schools in all three counties, including the Atkinson Field Primary, the Stewartville Secondary and St Michael’s Anglican in Hopetown.After completing his Preliminary Certificate Examination and the Culture Perceptive Examination, Primo moved on to the Stewartville Secondary School, where he did the General Certificate of Education Exams, obtaining passes in four subjects. Fresh out of school, Primo said, he furthered his studies by doing the London Chamber of Commerce examinations. This was followed by several other courses at the Critchlow Labour College and at the University of Guyana.Having attained several certificates,Chris Chelios Jersey, and with nothing to do, Primo said, he decided to join the Guyana Police Force at the tender age of 18. Very vividly,J. T. Miller Team North America Jersey, Primo remembers the date he joined as if it was just yesterday.It was the 20th of February 1976, his regulation number was 0517, and he was one in a batch of 40 persons, only two being females, Primo recollected. After initial training, he was posted at the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station.Being a policeman was not his intended career,Devan Dubnyk Jersey, but he was just basically out of school looking for a job. “But as I continued on the job, I began to love it; and after five years, I was given my first promotion from constable to Corporal,” Primo said.Before he knew it, he was once again promoted within another five months, a case of accelerated promotion. “I was identified for the promotion to sergeant because of my work and my ability and potential,” primo explained. Primo worked in every division, with the exception of ‘C’ Division. He served in the Traffic Department and the Education and Information Unit. He also served as a prosecutor,Patrik Berglund Jersey, and at one point, as the officer in charge of enforcement in ‘A’ Division. Primo was promoted to acting Assistant Superintendent in 1991, and was confirmed in 1992. After attaining the rank of Assistant Superintendent, Primo again began touring all parts of the country.In 1994, he was sent to work in Berbice as Traffic Officer in Charge, then later sent to the interior, where he served in Linden and Bartica.Primo also worked for two years as Personal Assistant to the then Commissioner of Police, Laurie Lewis. He said he was also privileged to work with the then Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj, dealing with motor vehicle and road traffic.After that stint, Primo was once again sent to another location, this time in ‘G’ Division, where he served at the Suddie and Anna Regina Police Stations.  His next promotion came in 2004, when he was promoted to Superintendent, which was closely followed by another promotion in 2005 to Senior Superintendent.“Personally, I thank God for seeing me through. I would say promotion does not come from man, but from God.”He expressed his gratitude to all the persons who, in many ways, contributed to his upward mobility.“I am looking forward to taking up all the challenges. I know the task would not be easy. I understand that in doing this job it is never easy,” Primo declared. Primo noted that, with his new appointment, he is prepared to deal with any challenge that may come his way.“I am prepared to work at the level as a police officer…I take instructions as is set out in the guidelines by the Commissioner of Police, who is the head of the police force, and I  rely on the structured system by which instruction is given,” Primo said.Asked if he would welcome being appointed Commissioner of Police, Primo said, with a faint smile, “I have never given much thought to that. I think it’s for big men like my boss…I don’t carry the weight or the size as my boss…I will just focus on settling down and getting used to my new post.”George Alexander VyphiusAlso appointed as Assistant Commissioner is the current Head of the Immigration Department, George Alexander Vyphius. This Berbician was born and raised in the village of Woodley Park, on the West Coast of Berbice.Recently promoted Assistant Commissioner of Police, George Alexander Vyphuis. An early school leaver, who never obtained secondary education because he decided to seek employment to take care of his ailing mother, Vyphius is now one of the most senior ranking officers of the Guyana Police Force.However, despite his limited education, Vyphius was more determined than ever to make something of himself; and today he is proud to say that he did just that.At the very tender age of 16, he managed to secure a job in the interior,Martin Havlat Jersey, and later moved on to join the Guyana National Service,Artem Anisimov Jersey, which he saw as an opportunity to upgrade himself educationally.It was in the Guyana National Service that Vyphius began his military training and also developed his intellectual skills. While in the National Service, Vyphius said, he got very involved in cultural activities and drama, which he grew fond of. But he subsequently left the GNS to go work with the then Ministry of Energy and National Resources.However, because of the small stipend he was given, Vyphius said, he was forced to leave. Upon leaving yet another job, Vyphius joined the Guystac Security firm, which was later taken over by the Guyana Police Force Special Constabulary Department.In 1979 Vyphius entered the Guyana Police Force, and within a five-year period, he was promoted from Constable to Lance Corporal. Another year later, Vyphius was promoted to Corporal. He would have to wait another five years before being given another promotion, but during this wait, he focused on more self development.By way of recognized correspondence courses in mainly Youth Development, Vyphius was promoted to the rank of Inspector, then subsequently to the rank of Superintendent. During his years, he served in several divisions, but the most challenging division in which he has had to work is Berbice,Steve Larmer Jersey, from whence he came.“It was a challenge because, when I took the oath of office, I swore to serve without fear or favour, and here I was working among family and friends. But I did manage, and it made me better as a police officer,Aaron Ekblad Team North America Jersey,” Vyphius said.Another challenge was his having to be the Commander of Essequibo. He managed that posting well, and did reap some success stories at that location.Vyphius was promoted to the rank of Senior Superintendent in 2006. Today, he is Assistant Commissioner.“I feel elated! This has caused me to realize that I am now moving up closer to the top to a senior managerial level, and it now changes my focus… I would have to set a proper example to my staff at the Immigration Department, which I am now heading,Auston Matthews Team North America Jersey,” Vyphuis lamented.He expressed his thanks to God, to the Commissioner of Police, the Force Administration, the Government, and his wife — who has been a tower of strength. He said he will not allow anything to get into the way of him carrying out his duties.In responding to a question of compromise to the office he now holds, Vyphius spoke about a brother.According to Vyphius, his brother is currently facing the brunt of the law, having committed himself.

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