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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys contrary to popular belief









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發表於 2017-2-16 23:20:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Starting next year Food For The Poor (FFTP) Guyana, will be receiving fixed annual subventions from government to assist the organisation’s efforts in serving the country’s less fortunate citizens.This disclosure was made by President David Granger, during a fundraising event at the Pegasus Hotel’s Savannah Suite,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, last Friday evening, where First Lady Sandra Granger was also in attendance.The announcement was applauded by attendees and officials from the FFTP including the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kent Vincent and Chairman of the Board of Directors,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Paul Chan-A-Sue.In addition to the annual subventions, starting in the 2016 fiscal year, Government will be providing two hectares of land to FFTP for the construction of a newer and larger facility. He further announced that the foundation will be granted duty-free concessions for vehicles imported under the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) to continue their charitable work.During his address,Cheap NFL Wholesale Jerseys, the President explained that the granting of these concessions will go a far way in assisting FFTP and their services, with the ultimate goal of lifting more Guyanese out of poverty.Granger affirmed that it is the objective of his administration to remain committed to the eradication of poverty in Guyana within the next five years. He noted that although it is an ambitious commitment it is necessary towards developing the country with respect and esteem.“Respect for human dignity calls for a level of concern, a level of commitment,Cheap Jerseys From China, and a call to action in eradicating extreme poverty from our society. Food For The Poor attempts to do just that, but it has gone beyond providing hand outs; it has helped to empower individuals…helping people to help themselves,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” the Head of State emphasised.“Guyana cannot claim to uphold human dignity, when many of its citizens subsist on an income that is insufficient to provide for their daily meals,” he said.To this end, he pointed out that the foundation has managed to serve many people by helping them to elevate their lives out of poverty to become self-sufficient. He related that had it not been for FFTP, destitution in the country would have been even more widespread and the institute has helped the poor by giving them a “hand up, rather than a hand out”.Moreover, the President appealed to citizens and corporate Guyana to recognise the importance of assisting the poor and organisations like FFTP, since the Government cannot tackle poverty alone.“With sufficient support, Food For The Poor’s work can be more impactful in alleviating poverty in our country,” he said.Meanwhile, contrary to popular belief, the foundation’s CEO, clarified that FFTP does not have a lot of money at its disposal, despite the tremendous projects the entity has managed to pull off in over 24 years of existence.Vincent explained that the organisation depends heavily on the support of donors, organisations, individuals and the Government, without which, its work would come to a halt. FFTP has become the leading charitable organisation in Guyana since it was established in 1991, serving in all 10 Administrative Regions over the years.

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