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發表於 2017-2-16 23:53:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Facility to be rehabilitated – Ann Greene A facility located in the compound of the Sophia Care Centre is set to be rehabilitated to house individuals who age out of state care through a programme by the Child Care and Protection Agency.According to the Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Ann Greene,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, the Transitional Housing and Life Skills programme which was launched back in 2009 prepares foster children for adult world through a number of programs.Greene added that while the building,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, which is said to be completed by the end of the year,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, foster children are housed with special families whom are paid for the housing while the adults get on their feet.The legal adults can also have rent paid up to three months by the agency while they work or seek employment.Greene said that there are 212 children in foster care with the agency. She added that the agency receives its funding from Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Human Services.When this publication visited the facility last week,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, an official from the care centre said that the rehabilitation process has not commenced. The source further said that with the present state of the building no one resides there.Green however told Kaieteur News that the materials for the project have already been purchased but the rehabilitation is said to begin shortly.With the other privately-owned foster homes,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Greene said that these orphanages are constantly monitored by officials of the Child Care and Protection Agency.Greene explained that the privately owned orphanages are regularly inspected by a visiting committee along with an inspection committee.With the question of adoption in Guyana,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, Greene said that persons who are desirous of adopting a child can apply to the agency. She added that foster parents will have to go through a legal process before the child is placed into their care.

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